Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Women in Science and Engineering | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

Women in Science and Engineering | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering


photos of NIBIB women in science and engineering feature stories

Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)

It’s International Women and Girls in Science Day! The NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, is committed to creating a supportive environment for all genders in the biomedical workforce. In 2016, Dr. Collins formed a Gender Inequality Action Task Force to develop recommendations for NIH to address these concerns. NIBIB is committed to supporting women grantees and recognizes the impact their research contributions have made on the NIBIB community. Read five inspiring stories about NIBIB’s women grantees and their successes and challenges as women in science. Our latest story features Dr. Ranu Jung who develops technologies to repair the loss of neurological function. She currently holds 10 U.S. patents and owns her own company. 

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