Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Requesting Input as NIMHD celebrates 10 years as an Institute!


Share your experiences toward the celebration of NIMHD’s 10th year as an Institute!

NIMHD is celebrating 10 years as an Institute, 20 years since becoming a Center and 30 years since the establishment of the Office of Minority Programs in the NIH Office of the Director.
Do you have memorabilia to share, such as pictures of people, events, or swag? Would you like to tell us how NIMHD or its predecessors have impacted your career or research?
Help us expand on our anniversary slide show. Please submit fun facts, quotes, and photos information via google form by the 30th of each month through August 2020, to be used or displayed at upcoming NIMHD hosted events. Your input and quick response is valuable. 
For more information or questions, please email: NIMHD2020@mail.nih.gov

Google Form

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