Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Comparing three induction chemotherapy regimens for patients with locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma based on TNM stage and plasma Epstein–Barr virus DNA level | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Comparing three induction chemotherapy regimens for patients with locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma based on TNM stage and plasma Epstein–Barr virus DNA level | BMC Cancer | Full Text

We compared the efficacy and toxicity of three IC regimens (TPF: taxanes, cisplatin, and 5-fluorouracil; TP: taxanes and cisplatin; and PF: cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) followed by CCRT in locoregionally adva...
Authors:Sai-Lan Liu, Xue-Song Sun, Hao-Jun Xie, Qiu-Yan Chen, Huan-Xin Lin, Hu Liang, Yu-Jing Liang, Xiao-Yun Li, Jin-Jie Yan, Chao Lin, Zhen-Chong Yang, Shan-Shan Guo, Li-Ting Liu, Qing-Nan Tang, Yu-Yun Du, Lin-Quan Tang…
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:89
Content type:Research article
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