Thursday, July 18, 2019

Updates to the Cryptosporidiosis Section of the Adult and Adolescent Opportunistic Infections Guidelines

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Updates to the Cryptosporidiosis Section of the Adult and Adolescent Opportunistic Infections Guidelines
The Cryptosporidiosis section of the Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents with HIV has been updated. The Panel updated this section to reflect the availability of new diagnostic tests and data on the efficacy of available therapeutic agents. The updated text and references underscore the following:
  • The incidence of cryptosporidiosis in the United States is now <1 1="" a="" adhere="" an="" and="" be="" case="" contamination="" continue="" disease="" due="" especially="" food="" have="" health="" hiv="" however="" increased="" individuals="" issue.="" li="" of="" outbreaks="" per="" person-years="" practices="" public="" recreational="" risk="" safe="" should="" to="" traveling.="" water="" when="" with="">
  • Multiplex molecular tests can identify a greater number of cases than microscopic methods.
  • Nitazoxanide, paromomycin, and spiramycin have some efficacy in patients with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), but are not as effective in patients with severe immunosuppression; especially those not on ART. Among the three agents, nitazoxanide has shown the greatest efficacy, demonstrating a significant decrease in diarrhea and organism load in patients with HIV with CD4 counts >50 cells/mm3.

AIDSinfo Updates Consumer Fact Sheets on HIV Prevention
The updated AIDSinfo consumer fact sheets provide important information on HIV prevention. Each fact sheet includes a summary of key points and links to additional information and resources. 

View the updated fact sheets:
Visit infoSIDA to view the fact sheets in Spanish.

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