Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Clinical Trials Update from NCI, July 2019

Clinical Trials Update from NCI, July 2019

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Clinical Trials
Updates from the National Cancer Institute
Clinical Trials News
Endometrial cancer Some Women Treated for Endometrial Cancer Can Forgo Radiation after Surgery

Some women with endometrial cancer may be able to receive less intensive treatment without increasing their risk of the disease coming back within 5 years, according to the results of a randomized clinical trial.
Comparative oncology clinical trial patient Suzy, from Tufts University. Helping Dogs—and Humans—with Cancer: NCI’s Comparative Oncology Studies

Did you know that NCI supports clinical trials of new treatments for pet dogs with cancer? Learn more about NCI’s comparative oncology studies and how they may also help people with cancer.
Clinical Trials Information for Patients and Caregivers
Paying for Clinical Trials

This page discusses the costs associated with participating in clinical trials and explains the two types of costs patients may encounter: patient care costs and research costs.
How to Work with Your Health Insurance Plan

There are ways to learn if your health plan covers routine patient care costs in a clinical trial. This page offers some ideas about who to contact for help, questions to ask, and information to collect and keep if you decide to take part in a trial.
 Clinical trials search Find NCI-Supported Clinical Trials

Use our search form to find a clinical trial or other research study that may be right for you or a loved one.
NCI-Supported Clinical Trials That Are Recruiting Patients 
Combination Therapy for Intermediate Risk Rhabdomyosarcoma

This randomized phase 3 trial studies how well combination chemotherapy works compared to combination chemotherapy plus the drug temsirolimus (Torisel) in treating children, teens, and young adults with rhabdomyosarcoma that has an intermediate risk of coming back after treatment. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells directly, while temsirolimus is a targeted drug that may prevent cancer cells from multiplying. Doctors want to determine if adding temsirolimus to combination chemotherapy will help prevent rhabdomyosarcoma from coming back or getting worse.
Standard Systemic Therapy Plus Surgery or Radiotherapy for Metastatic Prostate Cancer

This phase 3 trial will test whether adding definitive radiation therapy or surgical removal of the primary tumor to standard systemic therapy will help men with metastatic prostate cancer live longer. Doctors also want to see if adding localized treatment to systemic therapy improves the quality of life for these patients and slows progression of the disease.
Immunotherapy Combination for Mature T-cell Cancers

This phase 1 trial is testing a combination of avelumab and interleukin-15 (IL-15) for patients whose mature T-cell cancer has returned or not responded to therapy. Avelumab is an immunotherapy agent that helps the immune system detect and attack cancer cells. IL-15 is a protein that signals many types of immune cells to multiply and go on the attack against cancer cells. Investigators want to determine the safety and best dose of intravenous avelumab and IL-15 for patients with mature T-cell cancers.

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