Saturday, May 4, 2019

NLM Announcements

National Library of Medicine

05/02/2019 11:00 AM EDT

The National Library of Medicine’s Scan-on-Demand program provides the public with offsite access to digitized copies of historical medical materials published before 1924.
05/02/2019 10:40 AM EDT

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the release of a new tutorial on MedlinePlus Connect. MedlinePlus is a website of the National Institutes of Health, produced by NLM, to provide high-quality health information written for the general public. MedlinePlus Connect is a tool that enables the integration of MedlinePlus resources into external systems like electronic health record systems, patient portals, and other applications.
05/02/2019 09:36 AM EDT

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the April 2019 SNOMED CT Spanish Edition is available for download.
05/02/2019 09:36 AM EDT

Celebrate with us as the NLM Technical Bulletin turns 50 this month! Please join us in taking a moment to reflect on the past and share your vision of the future.

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