Saturday, November 28, 2020

Fulvic acid - proven to cure

Fulvic Acid is the most miraculous healer on the face of the earth.  

You haven’t heard about it because doctors, hospitals, and drug companies have suppressed it.  

It has long been Mother Nature’s best kept secret but it was only a secret because it was suppressed.  

It probably will change your health no matter what condition your health is in right now.  

There is one source far, far superior than any other.

What exactly is this substance, and what exactly does it cure? 

FULVIC ACID is a HUMIC substance. 

Fulvic Acid is the most highly refined water soluble substance on Earth.  

Fulvic Acid is produced by the action of billions upon billions of microscopic plants, refining and recycling all of the plant matter to ever exist on Mother Earth since the beginning of time.  

Scientists have determined that it takes over 3 tons of fresh green plant matter for Mother Nature to produce just one quart of concentrated Fulvic Acid.  

Fulvic Acid contains literally millions of kinds and combinations of naturally occurring plant defense mechanisms.

It is nature’s perfect healing substance. 

Government studies show that substances in Fulvic Acid have the power of the antibiotics produced by the drug companies, yet there is little chance that disease pathogens will ever become resistant to this naturally occurring substance from mother nature.  

Fulvic Acid from Mother Nature is likely the most important health and medical discovery ever in history.  

Nearly every plant, animal, and human disease can in some way be linked to the deficiency of Fulvic Acid. 

A well-documented scientific and medical research journal called HEALTH ALERT 2.000 identified Fulvic Acid as the missing link in our food chain. 

It is seriously depleted from agricultural soils and almost completely lacking in the modern human diet.  

It was not lacking many eons of time ago.

What happens when you start getting some Fulvic Acid?  

What does it cure? 

Clinical research has extremely high statistics on cancer, tumors, incurable viral diseases, the aids virus, infections of the esophagus, stomach, intestine and colon, hemorrhoids, bleeding stomach ulcers, skin disorders, lesions, and ulcerations, viral pneumonia, colds, flu, lung infections, bleeding of the eye, throat, lung and uterus, better sleep, better  appetite, alleviating dementia, arthritis, Graves Disease, and other auto-immune diseases. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.  

This is what the research has been done on SO FAR. It might fix everything on the planet, all the ills.  

Earth has been degenerating because of its loss of Fulvic Acid.  

Fulvic Acid at one time was abundant and was found everywhere on the planet. 

The scientists say the key to regenerating the earth into a beautiful, fertile paradise again can and will be done with Fulvic Acid. 

 It is the missing link which the lack of is now causing pollution and disease, whereas its restoration can heal the earth and its people. Scientists are saying this can be done.

The health product found by independent testing laboratories to have the highest concentration of Fulvic Acid of any health product they had ever tested is called FulviCare.  

FulviCare not only contains the highest amount of natural Fulvic Acids of any health product ever tested,

it also contains all the organic minerals and trace minerals you will ever need to stay healthy. 

It comes in liquid form and tastes good. 

You can skip colloidal minerals and ionic minerals in favor of FulviCare.  

Monday, November 23, 2020

Vitamin D would be essential to prevent colon cancer

New studies by researchers from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute indicate that vitamin D protects against colon cancer because it helps in the detoxification of chemicals that trigger cancer and that are released during digestion of high fat foods.

The discovery, which was conducted by a research team that included researchers from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute David J. Mangelsdorf, Medical Center of Texas Southwestern University, and Ronald M. Evans of the Salk Institute and colleagues at the University of Arizona, was published in the issue of May 17, 2002, issue of Science.

"Our results suggest a new way of looking at the relationship between nutrition and cancer, particularly on how vitamin D protects us from colon cancer."

David J. Mangelsdorf

Studies show that a specific type of bile acid called lithocholic acid (CLA), a known carcinogen, activates the receptor for vitamin D.

When you activate the vitamin D receptor, this in turn activates other proteins that bile acid detoxification.

Research suggests that a drug that acts like vitamin D might help prevent colon cancer by activating the vitamin D receptor and eliminate body ALC. One obstacle to be overcome, however, is that high intake of vitamin D or drugs that mimic the activity of vitamin D can lead to dangerous blood levels of calcium.

The colon cancer expert, Bert Vogelstein, an HHMI investigator at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center comprenhensive Johns Hopkins University said: "These studies provide important new clues about the relationship between vitamin D, bile acids and colorectal cancer and have significant implications for the prevention of colorectal cancer in the future. "

Mangelsdorf, Evans and colleagues studied the effects of bile acid, LCA, which is produced as a byproduct when intestinal bacteria digest the primary bile acids are produced in the liver. 

Primary bile acids help the body digest fats in the diet. The experiments showed that CLA activates the vitamin D receptor, which then activates additional genes that help detoxify the FTA.

"There is a lot of epidemiological data and certain scientific data, which were to suggest a correlation between diets high grade tenor, bile acids, such as the FTA, and colon cancer," said Mangelsdorf.

"But there have been causal links, it has been frustrating trying to understand the relationship between our Western-style diet rich in fat and colon cancer."

Although it was shown that vitamin D could prevent colon cancer in rats treated with LAC, and that human beings signaling pathways defective vitamin D have a higher incidence of colon cancer, it remained unclear how vitamin D prevented colon cancer. A reasonable theory, according to Mangelsdorf, was that vitamin D and CLA triggered a biochemical pathway involved in the detoxification of the FTA. The best candidate was a way to involve the receptor for vitamin D.

In a series of studies, researchers showed that the vitamin D receptor binds tightly to the FTA.

But the researchers also needed to demonstrate that ALC binding actually activates a key gene, called CYP3A, which activates the detoxification machinery of the cell.

The scientists attached a "reporter" gene CYP3A in cultured human cells, to detect whether the CYP3A gene was activated when the ALC joined the vitamin D receptor

"Other investigators had published data showing that vitamin D could activate this gene, but it was a great surprise that the FTA could also do it," said Mangelsdorf. The scientists also conducted experiments on mice, which found that feeding CLA to animals produced the activation of certain genes that are targets of vitamin D receptor

The scientists showed, ultimately, that the vitamin D receptor was the only receptor activated by the FTA. "We showed that in our knock-out mice, CLA can still induce the expression of CYP3A, like vitamin D," said Mangelsdorf. "So this crucial experiment showed that vitamin D and CLA did not work through another receptor, but did so through the vitamin D receptor."

According to Mangelsdorf, the results suggest that vitamin D receptor acts as a sensor for toxic chemical LAC. Other receptors in the body can detect fat from the diet and other foreign chemicals, and can serve to "alert" the body to begin detoxification when the chemicals reach dangerous levels.

"Our results suggest a new way of looking at the relationship between nutrition and cancer, particularly on how vitamin D protects us from colon cancer," he said. "One problem with the use of vitamin D as a protective drug, has always been that it causes hypercalcemia. 

But now we know that there is another endogenous compound, the FTA, which can also bind to the receptor, we can develop protective drugs that do not cause hypercalcemia, but to activate the detoxification pathway. "

An Effective Natural Therapy for Cancer

There is a simple natural therapy, treatment, remedy for stopping cancer.

The Natural Cancer Therapy is a complete, safe, non-toxic cancer therapy, based on the research of Dr. Matthias Rath, Dr. Hugh Riordan, and others. 

It can be used instead of standard oncological cancer therapy. 

This therapy has been shown to reverse cancer, stop cancer spread and metastases, and enhance health. It is non-toxic and has no adverse side effects. 

And even if is taken after standard oncology therapy, the regimen helps to rebuild and maintain the immune system and prevent metastases.

You can get the nutritional supplements used for this therapy easily. They are readily available and affordable. 

You do not need to pay huge amounts of money for rare or exotic substances. 

You do not need to drink gallons of vegetable or fruit juice. You do not need to travel to Mexico, Bermuda, China or Switzerland. 

The therapy is easy for you to understand and follow without technical training.

Where does cancer come from?

Cancer cells arise from a toxic chemical, biological, or radiation exposure. 

Their DNA has been mutated, and they begin to reproduce abnormally fast. 

Normally, the immune system recognizes cancer cells and isolates and destroys them without intervention. 

But if there are too many, or your immune system is compromised, they reproduce rapidly and then spread using a protein-dissolving enzyme called protease.

How can cancer be stopped?

In 1.991, Dr. Matthias Rath found that the amino acid lysine, when combined with vitamin C, appeared to inhibit the action of protease. In spring, 2.002, he and his research team announced that they had discovered that adding the amino acid proline and an extract of green tea called EGCG had stopped protease destruction of collagen connective tissue.

The natural cancer regimen works in six ways :

The core nutrients in the regimen stop the spread of cancer cells by inhibiting the action of protease. 

In other words, the protease molecules are neutralized by components of the regimen, which act as "decoys" to neutralize the protease, keeping it from destroying collagen in living tissue. 

The cancer cells then become isolated and then cannot reproduce or spread.

The regimen builds and strengthens your immune system by supplying the raw materials for building healthy white blood cells, which can identify, surround, and destroy unhealthy and cancerous cells.

The regimen contains two known selective chemotherapeutic agents. Unlike non-selective pharmaceutical chemotherapies such as tamoxifen or radiation therapy, which are toxic to all cells in the body, these selective chemotherapeutic agents are only toxic to cancer cells. 

They trigger a mechanism called apoptosis programmed cell death but only in abnormal and cancerous cells. 

They are perfectly safe to normal cells.

The antioxidants in the regimen acts as a toxin "sponge mop." 

Often the cause of the cancer toxic chemicals are still present in the body, and cancer cells also produce toxins (other than protease) that can destroy other cells. 

Antioxidants directly neutralize some of these toxins into harmless chemicals (that are then excreted), or help other detoxifying body mechanisms, such as in the liver.

The core components in the regimen allow your body to quickly rebuild and regenerate the connective tissue collagen that has been destroyed by the cancer cells.

The regimen provides sufficient nutrients vitamins and minerals  to restore normal cellular metabolism. 

These nutrients are often deficient in cancer patients.

In summary, this cancer remedy is unique in that it uses completely natural food-grade nutrients to enhance the body’s innate cancer-fighting and restorative abilities.

Why is this therapy superior to other natural therapies?

This regimen of this therapy is built upon the very "raw materials" that build and rebuild the connective tissue that cancer cells are either attempting to destroy or have already destroyed. 

The regimen provides multi-faceted protection against the cancer cells protease inhibition as well as immune enhancement and at the same time enabling the body to heal and rejuvenate. 

In lower doses, it can be used as a lifetime regimen to maintain health.

Other cancer therapies, such as Protocel (also called Cancell, Cantron, Sheridan's formula) attempt to "starve" cancer by modifying basic body metabolism. 

This is counterproductive, it reduces immunity and cellular energy, enabling the cancer to return. 

The instructions for many of these so called "cures" even tell you not to take some of the most essential nutrients for health, such as vitamin C. 

Complete depletion of vitamin C is life-threatening.

Is this natural cancer therapy safe?

The cancer therapy nutrients are ordinary food nutrients. The regimen has no side effects.

Does this cancer regimen interfere with chemotherapy or radiation therapy?

The regimen does not interfere with these oncology procedures; in fact, the vitamin C in the regimen reduces the side effects of these drugs by neutralizing toxins produced by their action in your body.

What about other medications and insulin?

If you are currently taking a drug to reduce cholesterol, you will need to have your physician monitor your cholesterol count carefully and frequently when you start the natural therapy, since the regimen (through a different mechanism) also addresses the symptoms of cardiovascular disease.

If you are taking other heart or blood-pressure remedies (e.g., beta blocker, calcium channel blocker), ask your doctor to carefully monitor the symptoms that these drugs are supposed to address, and taper off the dosage as your cardiovascular system becomes healthy again on its own.

Why don’t most doctors know about this therapy?

This therapy and other natural remedies for chronic illness are not known by most doctors because their primary source of information is the pharmaceutical industry and medical device industry, which have no incentive to publicize non-patentable, inexpensive, natural remedies or cures. 

Doctors are literally barraged each day with drug company reports, press releases, and free samples. 

Meanwhile, we are treated to advertisements for these expensive new pharmaceutical "remedies" on television and in virtually every newspaper and magazine in the United States, so that we know just which drugs to ask for from our doctors.

The conventional treatments for chronic illnesses do not generally cure or prevent these illnesses, but instead call for expensive maintenance drugs, toxic chemicals, or radiation that destroy the immune system and inhibit healing.

These maintenance and/or toxic therapies represent hundreds of billions of dollars per year in drug company revenue. 

Thus cheap, non-patentable natural remedies and cures represent a major threat to these companies.

Therapies to avoid

There are dozens of so-called cancer treatments or cures that have long-term negative consequences. 

Most are complete scams that are actually harmful. 

A few of them may kill cancer temporarily, but because they so weaken your metabolic functions that the cancer will most surely come back with a vengeance and probably kill you. 

Some of them reveal their harmful nature by telling you not to take vitamin C, which is both an essential nutrient for many metabolic processes and a critical part of your detoxification and immune systems. 

When they tell you not to take vitamin C, they are revealing that their "alternative treatment" is toxic and will cause you to get ill. 

And as I mentioned earlier, vitamin C depletion is life-threatening.

These are the "alternative treatments" to especially avoid:

Protocel (also called Cancell, Cantron, Sheridan's Formula)
Infrared sauna (especially far infrared, which actually causes cancer)
Cesium therapy
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS)
Zeolite liquid (powdered zeolite is OK for detoxification, but does not help for cancer)
Essiac Tea
Alkaline pH
Coral Calcium
Any treatment that specifies not to take Vitamin C

Friday, November 13, 2020

Fascinating new research is showing that cancer is reversible

A cloning experiment conducted on cancer cells showed that those very same cells can revert to healthy cells and result in the creation of a healthy organism, free of cancer. 

This is ground-breaking new research on cancer because it shows that malignancy is not the inevitable fate of cancer cells.

There's more to this than you might suspect. 

The official position on cancer by the National Cancer Institute and organized medicine has long been that cancer is not reversible once a person has cancer, they can never be cured. 

In fact, the word "cure" has typically been grounds for a lawsuit by the FDA (or certainly the oppression or regulation of any therapy making such a claim). 

It's a convenient position by organized medicine, because as long as they can get people to believe the idea that cancer cannot be cured, they can outlaw all anti-cancer therapies based on the idea that since there is no such thing as a cure, anything claiming to offer a cure must be quackery.

It's circular reasoning, of course, based on a faulty premise that has now been proven false by this new scientific research. 

Cancer cells can revert to healthy cells, and healthy organisms can be produced from malignant cancer cells.

You probably won't hear much about this in the popular press or from the National Cancer Institute. 

This scientific finding is incompatible with the commonly held beliefs of those in charge of cancer research and cancer propaganda. 

And, as is common in modern medicine, any scientific evidence that is incompatible with their current beliefs is simply tossed aside and ignored. 

See, modern medicine isn't really about the search for scientific truth; it's about the search for selective truth any sort of truth that agrees with their current belief systems and supports their financial interests. 

In that sense, modern medicine is more like a religion. 

It is based on a series of dogmatic beliefs that don't hold water under scientific scrutiny. 

The hard science says that cancer cells can revert to healthy cells, but the industry says cancer cannot be reversed.

This is not new information for naturopathic physicians, 

Chinese medical practitioners, and holistic nutritionists we've known for a long time that cancer is reversible. 

In fact, cancer is one of the diseases that is the easiest to reverse. 

And because this website does not sell any products whatsoever, under free speech guidelines, 

I can tell you the truth about cancer, and state without qualification that there are many cures for cancer that are both well proven and readily available to those suffering from this chronic disease.

These cures are, of course, outside the control of mainstream medicine and they are all labeled "quackery" by the National Cancer Institute and most Western doctors. 

Such cures include Amazon herbs (like graviola), licorice root, oxygen therapy, sunlight therapy, the injection of phytochemicals from spirulina directly in cancer tumors, the use of fucoidan supplements (which are extracted from sea vegetables), antineoplastins (pioneered by Dr. Burzynski), phytochemicals found in apricot pits (laetrile) and a long list of other natural therapies that both prevent and reverse cancer in many forms.

The bottom line is that science is now proving that cancer is reversible, thereby verifying something that the natural healing community has both known and practiced for literally thousands of years. 

In time, perhaps western medicine will pull its head out of the dark ages and come to recognize that the human body is a remarkable healer. 

It can conquer cancer and other chronic diseases if simply given the chance and the proper nutrients. 

The cure for cancer exists right now, today, and it is available to those who are willing to recognize it.