Tuesday, June 30, 2020

World Without Cancer

Thirty one years ago, a man wrote a book exposing the politics involved in cancer therapy.

It painted a picture of a world in which an effective control for cancer existed but was outlawed because it couldn't line the pockets of the powerful pharmaceutical industry.

In 31 years, little has changed.

G. Edward Griffin's 1974 book World Without Cancer is as poignant today as the day it was written, and in some circles, just as controversial.

That's because Griffin tells the story of a powerful substance that, despite its potential to aid in the fight against cancer, few cancer sufferers will ever know about, and that their doctors certainly will not offer them.

That substance is vitamin B-17, also called Laetrile, and it is a naturally-occurring substance that has been banned for use in the control of cancer in the United States.

Griffin was first introduced to the subject of vitamin therapy for cancer control while on a fishing trip with San Francisco physician John Richardson, he said in a telephone interview.

Dr. Richardson told Griffin he had seen great success in treating his cancer patients with vitamin B-17, but he faced opposition from local medical authorities who, when they caught wind of what he was doing, balked at the fact he was using a treatment that was not FDA-approved.

In an effort to protect his right to administer a therapy he had seen work on so many patients, Dr. Richardson turned to Griffin for help in advancing his cause, and thus was the beginning of World Without Cancer.

Griffin, who knew nothing of the science of cancer when he began his project, soon learned plenty. His research led him to the conclusion that naturally-occurring Laetrile is indeed an effective treatment for cancer.

In fact, from the time he started his research to today, Griffin says he has seen literally thousands of people benefit from treatment with Laetrile.

He also learned that cancer is a disease linked directly to a deficiency of vitamin B-17, which is found in high amounts in apricot kernels.

However, perhaps the most important and most troubling thing he learned was that Laetrile and its health potential were being kept out of doctors' hands for political not scientific reasons.

According to Griffin, the 1953 California Report continues to be the basis of most scientific or legal opposition to vitamin B-17 today.

The report, written by Dr. Henry Garland and Dr. E. M. McDonald of the California Medical Association's Cancer Advisory Commission, claims there is no proof Laetrile is an effective control for cancer.

(It should be noted that these two particular doctors were at the time also insisting there was no link between smoking and lung cancer.)

However, Griffin writes in World Without Cancer that Garland and McDonald actually falsified information from Laetrile experiments cited in the California Report.

In fact, 10 years after the report was published, original documents surfaced that proved information had been falsified.

Although the report was subsequently updated, additional problems such as insufficient vitamin dosages used in the experiments persisted, and the conclusions of the original California Report remained embedded in the literature and minds of many.

Additional studies conducted by well-known groups like the Sloane-Kettering Institute have proven the effectiveness of Laetrile, according to Griffin.

However, those study results have not been publicized.

"When you dig into the facts, and you read the reports by the people themselves inside those institutions, you find out they found in their testing that Laetrile was highly effective, but they received directives from the top to suppress that information," Griffin said.

So why would the "powers-that-be" work so hard to suppress information that could benefit thousands of people dying of cancer?

"They do that because they're trying to make a buck, and something that is found in nature, like Laetrile, cannot be patented," says Griffin.

But the story doesn't stop there.

The Hitler / Pharma connection

World Without Cancer is divided into two parts, and in the second half of the book, Griffin goes on to reveal some disturbing information about an international drug cartel that came into being in the years before World War II that he says played a significant role in shaping the field of medicine in this country.

This powerful cartel was created, Griffin argues, when I.G. Farben, a German-based chemical company and financial backer of Adolf Hitler, joined together with Standard Oil of New Jersey, founded by American business tycoon John D. Rockefeller, in an agreement not to compete.

The partnership was largely concealed, since neither company wanted their countries to know about the relationship in the event of an inevitable second world war. In a lecture, Griffin once referred to the Farben-Rockefeller merger as "the largest and most powerful cartel the world has ever known, even though most people have never heard about it."

And so the extremely influential Rockefeller came to be interlocked with the drug industry, and under the guise of philanthropy, began donating large sums of money to America's faltering medical schools.

Of course, the catch was that such schools were told the money had to be used for drug research, which would create a great profit for Rockefeller interests.

In their time of need, medical schools readily complied.

"When they accepted the money, they had to follow the dollar, and they designed their curricula so it favors pharmacy (and) pharmaceutical drugs," says Griffin.

This effectively gave birth to the conventional medical care system we know today, which is based almost entirely on prescription drugs and knows little to nothing about basic nutrition.

"The medical schools of the United States now teach the students everything there is to know about their product, which is drugs," Griffin says,

 "And so [doctors] come out as highly trained drug salesmen, and they don't even know it!"

Even doctors are kept in the dark about B-17

It's no wonder then that natural treatments like vitamin B-17 remain banned or widely unknown in the United States; there is a long line of profit and power ensuring they stay that way.

That's why doctors will not offer cancer patients vitamin therapy with vitamin B-17, and why most doctors, if asked about Laetrile, will say it has been proven ineffective.

However, Griffin doesn't blame the doctors for conventional modern medicine's focus on drugs, noting, "They're kind of victims of this whole system as much as the rest of us, and they and their families die of cancer just like everyone else.

So it's clear that they're not holding back a control for cancer that they know works.

If they knew about it, they would use it, just like Dr. Richardson.

It's just that they're pretty well sheltered from that information, and they rely very strongly on the prestigious sources at the top."

Since Griffin's book hit shelves in 1974, awareness of natural health has increased, but little has changed in terms of the availability of Laetrile in the United States. It remains illegal for doctors to prescribe or sell Laetrile as a control for cancer.

According to Griffin, however, some clinics continue to quietly use the substance, often only after the patient has obtained it.

Many other patients travel to Mexico for treatment.

Griffin worries that vitamin B-17 is not the only natural treatment for serious disease being suppressed because of political and financial reasons.

"I'm convinced, and this is just my opinion now; I can't back this up with facts, but on the basis of what I've seen, I think this whole AIDS field is just a rubber stamp of the cancer field," Griffin states.

He adds, "I am sure that you'll find this thing all over the medical field because they follow the buck. They have to have something that's patented to do that, and patented medicines are usually toxic."

Today, Griffin says writing World Without Cancer dramatically changed his views and may have saved his life.

"It is like night into day," he says. "I am firmly convinced that had I not done this research and learned what I did, I probably would have been dead today because I was living the lifestyle of the typical American fast foods, no exercise (and) no awareness of the fact that I had any responsibility for my health."

The politics of cancer therapy

On the first page of his book, Griffin openly acknowledges that what he writes is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, American Medical Association or the American Cancer Society and says that they in fact would call it "fraud and quackery.

" That is because, as Griffin has often said, the politics of cancer therapy are far more complicated than the science of cancer therapy.

This core problem, according to Griffin, cannot be solved until we get the politics out of a lot of other areas as well. In the meantime, it is up to each individual consumer to take responsibility for his or her own health and wellbeing.

"I think it's important for people to understand that government, in most cases, is not the solution; it's the problem," Griffin warns.

"As long as people think that the government is supposed to take care of them and protect them and that they can trust their politicians as long as they think that, they're in deep trouble.

And, in fact, we are all in deep trouble because of that kind of thinking."

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Other alternatives to cure cancer


1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cells are not in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells after treatment, it just means that the check does not detect them because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur 6 times in the lives of people.

3. When a person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. This can occur due to genetic, environmental, food and way of life.

5. To resolve these multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the cancer cells but also destroys the healthy cells of the spinal cord as well as bowel and that causes damage to organs like the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs ..

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells and organs as well as tissues.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. But prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation does not result in total destruction of tumors.

9. As the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation on the immune system is compromised or destroyed, so people can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause mutation of the cancer cells to resist and become difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause the invasion of cells to other organs.

11. An effective way to combat 'cancer' is to not feed the cancer cells with the foods it needs to multiply.

a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. Sugar it cuts one of the most important elements of the cancer cells. There are sugar substitutes such as saccharin, but these are made with Aspartame and it is very harmful .. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey is sugar, or molasses but only in small quantities. The salt has a chemical added to make it white. A better alternative to the salt is the salt sea salts and vegetables.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the intestinal tract. Cancer cells feed on mucus, eliminating milk and substituting soy milk, cancer cells do not have to eat therefore die

c. Cancer cells mature in an acidic environment. A meat-based diet is acidic, it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. The meat also has antibiotics, hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially for people with cancer. The protein of meat is very difficult to digest and requires many enzymes. The meat is not digested in the intestines and putrifica and leads to more toxic buildup.


a) A diet of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts, almonds and a little fruit help put the body into an alkaline environment. Only 20% must be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes of being consumed to nourish and help build healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes that help build healthy cells should try to make vegetable juices (almost all including alfalfa) and eat lots of fresh vegetables 2 or 3 times a day.

b) Avoid drinking coffee, tea and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals from tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

c) The walls of cancer cells are covered by a protein very hard. Refraining from eating meat, these walls frees more enzymes to attack the proteins of cancer cells and allows the immune system to destroy cancer cells.
d) Some supplements build up the immune system (Floressence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs (fish oil) to help cells to fight and destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, the body's normal method of eliminating unwanted, or unneeded cells.

e) Cancer is a disease of the mind, body and spirit. An active and positive attitude will help fight the cancer patient to become a survivor.

"The anger and incomprehension, the unforgiveness puts the body in a stressful situation and in an acid environment." Learn to have a kind and loving spirit with a positive attitude is very beneficial to health. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

f) Cancer cells can not thrive in an oxygenated environment. Daily exercise and deep breathing help to get more oxygen to cellular levels .. Oxygen therapy is another element that helps to destroy cancer cells.

1. No plastic containers in a microwave
2. No water bottles in freezer
3. No plastic wrap in microwave
grams) Chemicals such as dioxins cause cancer, especially breast. Dioxin is particularly destructive to the body's cells.

Do not put in the freezer its plastic water bottles as the plastic eliminates dioxin and poisons the water.

Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV show and explain the danger of dioxin.

He said we should not put plastic containers in the microwave. Especially foods that are fat, He said that the combination of fat and high heat with plastic eliminates dioxin into the food and therefore our body then. Instead you can use glass like Pyrex or ceramic heating food.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Cancer cells die after being exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol (Thc)

Again, this ancient and sacred grass is the protagonist of a scientific discovery that can significantly improve the health of patients with cancer.

What will they think future generations to know that marijuana was legally prohibited for many years knowing that quasi has magical effects on the mind and in the human body?

Cristina Sanchez, a young biologist from the Complutense University of Madrid, made ​​a finding that stunned her.

The cannabinoid of marijuana inhibiting cancer development, which results in a non-invasive alternative treatment (and effective) for the patient.

Spanish scientist studying cell metabolism when he was struck by something notably including: the cancer cells died after being exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol (Thc), the active ingredient in marijuana.

After its discovery, Cristina made ​​a comparison with previous studies that indicated that the cannabinoid also possess analgesic, suppressing nausea, pain, fatigue and loss of appetite, and now adds another quality for patients with this disease.

On the same date, scientists Harvard University reported that Thc reduces tumor growth in conventional lung cancer, and also prevents the spread of harmful cells.

As an example, scientists explained that Thc is a kind of missile that seeks to eliminate tumor cells, leaving the rest completely healthy.

Unlike conventional chemotherapy drugs, which are characterized by their potential physical and brain, marijuana use opens a doorway to a better life for people with this disease.

The only animal that resists cancer reveals his formula

The shaving ratopín a rodent from Africa, produces a variant of hyaluronic acid to prevent the formation of tumors. 

This substance is known to be wrinkle.

The shaving ratopín, a rodent of Africa, suffers no tumors through a variant of hyaluronic acid, the same molecule that is already used in anti-wrinkle injections in humans, according to a study published today in Nature.

"This animal is going to teach how to be immune to cancer," says the site matter Andrei Seluanov popular science, a researcher at the University of Rochester (USA) and co-author of the study.

The ratopín shaving is a hairless rodent that lives underground in the savannas of Africa, is organized in colonies like ants, never drink water and, above all, is the only known animal that suffers no cancer.

A small group of researchers from various countries studying this creature can live up to 30 years, an absolute record among rodents, looking for new clues to extend the life of humans.

Resistant. Its resistance to cancer due to a variation of hyaluronic acid, a substance which is already used, for example, to delete the effects of time with injections correcting wrinkles.

The key, they say, is that this substance ratopín much better advantage than other mammals, to the extent possible.

Seluanov viscous isolated this substance isolated in his laboratory. Is a chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms produced by most cells in the body and which helps, among other things, to control the growth of organs to its proper size.

Unlike hyaluronic acid produced by mice and humans, ratopín variant is a much larger chain and long.

"The large size of this molecule is essential to confer protection against cancer," explains Seluanov. 

Until now it was known that viscous substance was responsible for the prodigious ratopín give the elasticity of your skin to crawl through the tunnels.

Now Seluanov shows that the same molecule is also responsible for blocking the development of tumors.

The study shows that removing ratopín hyaluronic acid, the cells begin to divide uncontrollably creating tumors.

Salt Water Fuel and a Cancer Cure by accident

It is really amazing what this engineer found, it is an incredible discovery, but it is more amazing watching companies more interested in the fuel, and less interested in letting people know about it, i really hope you give me here your feedback about it, and help me pass this videos along, thanks for visitng , hope this is of some interest for you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


There are plenty of medical important discoveries about cancer, and about aids, but why is that the common people doesn't recieve any information about it, it is simple, cancer cure isn't cheap at all and the pharmaceutical industry claims for those benefits,  it is not convenient for them to give away the easy treatments and the easy way can't be give to people, it is how the economy works everywhere, we don't want to judge anybody, our goal is to make it simple for common people to understand how things really are, and that a dangerous disease can be perfectly fightteable in many different ways.

Berny Polanía V.

Electrification of the blood, interesting don't you think ? Don't miss this video.

Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Cure

Science and medicine have made great progress in research for cancer treatments, and it is important to keep abreast of these new findings, cancer has many variants, fortunately each has its own specialized studies, see in this section that says about intravenous vitamin C.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Frankincense : Could it be a cure for cancer?

Frankincense resin, and incense

The gift given by the wise men to the baby Jesus probably came across the deserts from Oman.

The BBC's Jeremy Howell visits the country to ask whether a commodity that was once worth its weight in gold could be reborn as a treatment for cancer.

Oman's Land of Frankincense is an 11-hour drive southwards from the capital, Muscat.

Most of the journey is through Arabia's Empty Quarter - hundreds of kilometres of flat, dun-coloured desert.

Just when you are starting to think this is the only scenery you will ever see again, the Dhofar mountains appear in the distance.

On the other side are green valleys, with cows grazing in them.

The Dhofar region catches the tail end of India's summer monsoons, and they make this the most verdant place on the Arabian peninsula.

Warm winters and showery summers are the perfect conditions for the Boswellia sacra tree to produce the sap called frankincense.

These trees grow wild in Dhofar. A tour guide, Mohammed Al-Shahri took me to Wadi Dawkah, a valley 20 km inland from the main city of Salalah, to see a forest of them.

"The records show that frankincense was produced here as far back as 7,000 BC," he says.

He produces an army knife. He used to be a member of the Sultan's Special Forces. With a practised flick, he cuts a strip of bark from the trunk of one of the Boswellia sacra trees.

Pinpricks of milky-white sap appear on the wood and, very slowly, start to ooze out.

Boswellia sacra

Boswellia sacra produces the highest-quality frankincense

"This is the first cut. But you don't gather this sap," he says. "It releases whatever impurities are in the wood.

The farmers return after two or three weeks and make a second, and a third, cut.

Then the sap comes out yellow, or bright green, or brown or even black. They take this."

Shortly afterwards, a frankincense farmer arrives in a pick-up truck.

He is white-bearded, wearing a brown thobe and the traditional Omani, paisley-patterned turban.

He is 67-year-old Salem Mohammed from the Gidad family.

Most of the Boswellia sacra trees grow on public land, but custom dictates that each forest is given to one of the local families to farm, and Wadi Dawkah is his turf.

Camel train

He has an old, black, iron chisel with which he gouges out clumps of dried frankincense.

"We learnt about frankincense from our forefathers and they learnt it from theirs" he says.

"The practice has been passed down through the generations. We exported the frankincense, and that's how the families in Dhofar made their livings."

And what an export trade it was. Frankincense was sent by camel train to Egypt, and from there to Europe.

It was shipped from the ancient port of Sumharan to Persia, India and China.

Religions adopted frankincense as a burnt offering.

That is why, according to Matthew's Gospel in the Bible, the Wise Men brought it as a gift to the infant Jesus.

Gold : for a king. Frankincense : for God. Myrrh : to embalm Jesus' body after death.

The Roman Empire coveted the frankincense trade. In the first century BCE, Augustus Caesar sent 10,000 troops to invade what the Romans called Arabia Felix to find the source of frankincense and to control its production.

The legions, marching from Yemen, were driven back by the heat and the aridity of the desert. 

They never found their Eldorado.

Oman's frankincense trade went into decline three centuries ago, when Portugal fought Oman for dominance of the sea routes in the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.

Nowadays, hardly any Omani frankincense is exported. Partly, this is because bulk buyers, such as the Roman Catholic Church, buy cheaper Somalian varieties.

Partly, it is because Omanis now produce so little.

"Years ago, 20 families farmed frankincense in this area," says Salem Mohammed Gidad.

"But the younger generation can get well-paid jobs in the government and the oil companies, with pensions. Now, only three people still produce frankincense around here.

The trade is really, really tiny!"

Cancer hope

But immunologist Mahmoud Suhail is hoping to open a new chapter in the history of frankincense.

Scientists have observed that there is some agent within frankincense which stops cancer spreading, and which induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. He is trying to find out what this is.

Giant censer in cathedral of Santiago di Compostela

The Catholic church mostly buys Somalian frankincense

"Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted," he says. "It seems frankincense has a re-set function.

It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be.

"Frankincense separates the 'brain' of the cancerous cell - the nucleus - from the 'body' - the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes."

Working with frankincense could revolutionise the treatment of cancer.

Currently, with chemotherapy, doctors blast the area around a tumour to kill the cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient.

Treatment with frankincense could eradicate the cancerous cells alone and let the others live.

The task now is to isolate the agent within frankincense which, apparently, works this wonder.

Some ingredients of frankincense are allergenic, so you cannot give a patient the whole thing.

Dr Suhail (who is originally from Iraq) has teamed up with medical scientists from the University of Oklahoma for the task.

In his laboratory in Salalah, he extracts the essential oil from locally produced frankincense. Then, he separates the oil into its constituent agents, such as Boswellic acid.

"There are 17 active agents in frankincense essential oil," says Dr Suhail. "We are using a process of elimination.

We have cancer sufferers for example, a horse in South Africa and we are giving them tiny doses of each agent until we find the one which works."

"Some scientists think Boswellic acid is the key ingredient. But I think this is wrong.

Many other essential oils like oil from sandalwood contain Boswellic acid, but they don't have this effect on cancer cells. So we are starting afresh."

The trials will take months to conduct and whatever results come out of them will take longer still to be verified.

But this is a blink of the eye in the history of frankincense.

Nine thousand years ago, Omanis gathered it and burnt it for its curative and cleansing properties.

It could be a key to the medical science of tomorrow.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

15 year old invents new method of diagnosing cancer

Jack Andraka is a fifteen year old freshman in high school. 

He developed a paper sensor that could detect pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer in five minutes for as little as 3 cents. 

He conducted his research at John Hopkins University. 

This research could change the face of cancer and promote early detection. 

To think that scientists spending millions of dollars to find more about cancer, a 15 year old finds out by doing a science fair project!

“There are millions more of me out there...” -Jack Andraka

Jack's method is 168 times faster, 26000 times cheaper, 400 times more sensitive and has a 90% success rate. 

He has been selected as the Intel 2.012 ISEF winner and has won awards at multiple national and international math competitions. 

Jack is on the national junior whitewater kayaking team and enjoys playing with his dog and folding origami.

The government and major corporations don't like competition. 

But unfortunately for them, the next generation does!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Tagamet (Cimetidine)

This product is an over the counter antiacid product.

It was found to be effective against cancer.

It is not used in orthodox medicine.

It is somewhat used in alternative medicine but we at the ICRF do not know the protocol (i.e. the safe and effective doses).

There were actually many other very effective cancer treatments which date back to before 1.910, which were developed by medical doctors.

Some of these were herbal treatments and others were electromedicine protocols.

However, in 1.910 Congress passed a law forcing all "medical schools" to use prescription drugs (i.e. "modern medicine") exclusively in their training of "medical doctors."

Today, the average housewife knows far more about natural medicine than most medical doctors.

Today, the use of alternative cancer treatments is thriving.

However, very few people (as a percentage) know about these protocols.

This is because the media never mentions them because of the cozy relationship between the media and their huge client : the pharmaceutical industry.

So how many cures for cancer were found in alternative medicine during the same time period of 1.910 to 2.011?

During this same one hundred year period, those people researching Mother Nature's cancer treatments (i.e. alternative cancer treatments or natural cancer treatments) found more than 400 cures for cancer.

Articles about most of these cures are on the Internet.

Many of these cures for cancer have been used effectively by thousands of cancer patients.