Thursday, May 28, 2020

Acrylamide and cancer : fried foods

The issue of fried foods and cancer first came to the attention of health experts in April of 2.002. 

At that time, a team of Swedish researchers announced that many common foods, especially those that are fried, contain a potentially cancer-causing (carcinogenic) chemical called acrylamide.

Since 2.002, more research has confirmed that acrylamide is found in many of the foods we eat. 

Acrylamide is formed during traditional cooking methods such as frying, baking, and roasting. 

Health experts believe that acrylamide has been present in our diets for hundreds and even thousands of years since humans began using fire and heat to cook food!

At this point, it is not completely understood how acrylamide is formed in food. 

However, it is known that acrylamide is found in many high carbohydrate foods that have been manufactured or cooked at high temperatures. 

This includes items such as french fries, potato chips, donuts,other snack foods, crackers, cereals, and some baked goods. 

A few other common foods, such as coffee and olives, also contain acrylamide.

In summary, acrylamide is formed in high carbohydrate foods that are prepared at high temperatures. 

It is found in a few other foods like coffee and olives as well.

Does acrylamide in food cause cancer? 

We know that occupational exposures to acrylamide can have health risks. 

"Occupational" refers to large exposures that can happen in the work place. 

People who work with acrylamide must take precautions to avoid being exposed to this chemical in large amounts.

Laboratory studies in animals show that large exposures to acrylamide may cause health problems, including damage to the nervous system and increased risk of cancer.

But this does not prove that the small amounts of acrylamide in the food supply will cause the same health problems. 

This is because the levels of acrylamide in food are just a tiny fraction of occupational exposures and the levels of exposure used in animal studies.

Food, acrylamide & cancer risk 

Since the original announcement about acrylamide in food in 2.002, numerous research studies have examined possible connections between acrylamide in food and risk of cancer in people. 

These studies have included many thousands of people. 

They have looked at a variety of cancers, including cancers of the bladder, breast, colon and rectum, esophagus, kidney, larynx, oral cavity (mouth and throat), ovary, and pharynx. 

These studies have considered specific foods that are high in acrylamide, such as fried potatoes.

Not a single one of these studies has shown that acrylamide in the foods that we eat is linked with increased risk of cancer .

The bad news is that acrylamide is found in a large number of the foods we eat, including french fries, baked goods, breads, crackers, cookies, chips, coffee, cereals, and many other foods.

The good news is that to date, no studies in humans have shown any connection between acrylamide in food and increased risk of cancer.

Putting acrylamide in perspective 

Available research tells us that acrylamide in food is not responsible for increased cancer risk. 

However, even if the research does not show a connection between acrylamide in food and cancer risk, it makes sense to limit our exposure to this chemical. 

Furthermore, there are lots of other good reasons to avoid many of the foods that contain the highest amounts of acrylamide.

Fried potatoes and baked snack foods should not be a major part of our diet regardless of acrylamide content! 

These foods are high in fat and saturated fat, they contain too much salt, and often they are full of preservatives, dyes, and other items that do not contribute to good health. 

As well, these foods contain a lot of calories and they do not provide the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that we know help reduce risk of cancer and many other diseases. 

For all of these reasons, these foods should be an occasional treat, not a regular part of the diet.

Minimizing acrylamide in your diet 

Focus your diet around healthy, unprocessed, whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, legumes, and whole grains.

The more crisp and brown that a baked food is, the more acrylamide it is likely to contain. 

For example, "well-done" french fries and potato chips contain more acrylamide than the more lightly cooked versions of these foods.

When cooking starchy vegetables such as potatoes at home, cook them at a lower temperature for a longer period time. 

This minimizes the amount of acrylamide that is formed during the cooking process. 

Cooking foods at a higher temperature creates more acrylamide.

Frying and dry baking appear to generate the most acrylamide in foods.

If you do fry or bake foods at home, do not cook them to a dark brown color. 

The darker, more crisp, and more "done" the food is, the more acrylamide it is likely to contain.

Boiling, steaming, lightly sautéing and stir frying foods appears to create very little or no acrylamide.

Go for organic. 

Some health experts feel that the chemicals that are used in conventional agriculture methods may increase the amount of acrylamide that forms in the final, cooked food product.

Finally, do your best to stay informed about the acrylamide food issue. 

The scientific research on this topic is new and evolving. 

It is always possible that future research studies will provide additional, important information about acrylamide in the food supply and human health concerns.

In summary , don't be overly concerned about acrylamide in food as a cause of cancer. 

Do focus on keeping processed foods such as fries, chips, and other baked goods to a minimum because they are not healthy for a variety of reasons.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Gerson Therapy

Gerson Therapy is proven to work.

There are scientific documentary that strongly supports how cancer and other diseases can be cured.

Gerson therapy was founded by Max Gerson, M.D. who was born in Germany in 1881.

His initial experimentation with dietary therapy to cure his headaches developed further into healing skin tuberculosis, type II diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and finally cancer.

He became good friends with Nobel prize winner Albert Schweizer, M.D. by curing his wife from lung tuberculosis after all conventional treatments had failed.

In 1938. Dr. Gerson passed his board and was licensed to practice in the state of New York.

For twenty years, he treated hundreds of terminally ill cancer patients who were left to die after their conventional treatment failed.

In 1946, Gerson demonstrated recovered patients before the Pepper-Neely Congressional Subcommitte, during hearings on a bill to fund research into cancer treatment.

Although few peer reviewed journals were receptive to Gerson's then "radical" idea that diet could effect health, he continued to publish articles on his therapy and case histories of healed patients.

He has achieved more than seemed possible under adverse conditions.

After his death in 1959, his daughter Charlotte continues to carry her father's mission to heal and treat people with the power of healthy diet.

The Gerson Way

Gerson Therapy is a safe and proven natural treatment, consisting of eating healthy organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body's ability to heal itself.

Over the 60 years, thousands of people used it to recover from "incurable" diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

It is very important to follow the diet and daily plan to achieve the goal.

I was very happy to watch this documentary video taken by Stephen Krosochel who has been Awarded Honorable Mention in the Feature-Length Documentary Category 2006 New York International independent Film and Video Festival Filmmaker.

"Dying to Have Known" a great documentary film shows cancer survivors, biased doctors, supportive doctors, and evidence from around the world. I recommend everyone to watch it.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Stanislaw R. Burzynski, M.D., has given the name "antineoplastons" to substances he claims can "normalize" cancer cells that are constantly being produced within the body.

He has published many papers stating that antineoplastons extracted from urine or synthesized in his laboratory have proven effective against cancer in laboratory experiments.

He also claims to have helped many people with cancer get well.

A 1992 analysis concluded that none of Burzynski's "antineoplastons" has been proven to normalize tumor cells.

In 1988, Burzynski got a tremendous boost when talk-show hostess Sally Jesse Raphael featured four "miracles," patients of Burzynski, who she said were cancer-free.

The patients stated that Burzynski had cured them when conventional methods had failed.

In 1992, "Inside Edition" reported that two of the four patients had died and a third was having a recurrence of her cancer. (The fourth patient had bladder cancer, which has a good prognosis.)

The widow of one of Raphael's guests stated that her husband and five others from the same city had sought treatment after learning about Burzynski from a television broadcast and that all had died of their disease.

In 1995, a federal grand jury indicted Burzynski for mail fraud and marketing an unapproved drug.

The indictment charged that he had billed insurance companies using procedure codes for chemotherapy, even though his treatment was not chemotherapy.

He was tried in 1997 but not convicted.

In 1998, the Texas Attorney General secured a consent agreement stating that Burzynski: (a) cannot distribute unapproved drugs in Texas; (b) can distribute "antineoplastons" only to patients enrolled in FDA approved clinical trials, unless the FDA approves his drugs for sale; (c) cannot advertise "antineoplastons" for the treatment of cancer; and (d) on his website and in promotional material and ads must place a disclaimer that the safety and effectiveness of "antineoplastons" have not been established.

The agreement also called for Burzynski to pay $50,000 to reimburse the Attorney General's office and the Texas Health Department for the cost of their investigation.

The Cancer Letter subsequently noted that although Burzynski has set up many "clinical trials," they do not conform to usual standards.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Alternative cancer cures approved by hospitals :

Every person has cancer cells in the body.

These cells are not seen in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion.

When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect because they have not reached the detectable size.

Cancer cells occur between 6 to 10 times in the lives of people.

When a person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies.

This can occur for various reasons such as genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle.

To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies,changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

Chemotherapy involves poisoning the cancer cells but also destroys the healthy cells of the spinal cord as well as bowel and that causes organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.

Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns and damage to healthy cells and organs as well as tissues.

Initial treatment of chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size.

However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation does not result in the total destruction of tumors.

When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate, become resistant and difficult to destroy it all.

Surgery can also cause the invasion of cells to other organs.

An effective way to fight 'cancer' is not to feed the cancer cells with the foods it needs to multiply.

Cancer cells feed on :

Sugar is a cancer-feeder.

Off sugar it cuts one of the most important elements of cancer cells.

Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet are made with Aspartame and it is harmfull.

A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in small amounts.

Table salt has a chemical added to make it white.

A better alternative to salt is sea salt or vegetable salt.

Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the intestinal tract.

Cancer cells feed on mucus, eliminating milk and substituting soy milk, cancer cells do not have to eat so they die

Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment.

A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork.

Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires many enzymes.

The meat is not digested in the intestines and enters a state of putrefaction and leads to the creation of more toxins.

How to contribute to the solution of the problema?

A diet of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts, almonds and just a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment.

Only 20% can be from cooked food including beans (beans).

Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes of being consumed to nourish and help build healthy cells.

To obtain live enzymes that help building healthy cells try and drink vegetable juices (almost all included alfalfa) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day.

Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine.

The Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties.

Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water.

Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

The walls of the cancer cells are covered by a protein very hard.

Avoiding eating meat, these walls frees more enzymes to attack the protein of cancer cells and allows the immune system to destroy cancer cells.

Some supplements build up the immune system (Florescence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, Efas (fish oil) to help cells to fight and destroy cancer cells.

Other supplements like vitamin E are very known because they cause apoptosis, the body's normal method of removing unwanted, or unneeded cells.

Cancer is also a disease of the mind, body and spirit.

A more active and positive attitude help fight cancer patient to become a survivor.

'The anger and misunderstanding, unforgiveness puts the body into a stressful and acidic environment.'

Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit with a positive attitude is very beneficial to health.

Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Cancer cells can not live in an oxygenated environment.

Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level.

Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

No plastic containers in microwave

No water bottles in freezer

No plastic wrap in the microwave

Chemicals such as dioxins cause cancer, especially breast cancer.

Dioxin is especially destructive to cells in the body.

Do not put in the freezer their plastic water bottles since plastic eliminates dioxin and poisons the water.

Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV show and explain the danger of dioxin.

He said that we have to put plastic containers in the microwave.

Especially foods that are fat, said that the combination of fat, high heat with plastic eliminates dioxin into the food and therefore our body then.

Instead you can use glass as Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Seed healing cáncer 10000 times stronger than a chemotherapy

The most powerful anti-cancer remedy of the planet

Apple seed is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. Is 10,000 times more potent than chemotherapy.

Why are we not aware of it?

Because there are organizations interested in finding a synthetic version, enabling them to make fabulous profits.

So from now on you can help a friend in need by letting him know that you should eat apple seed to prevent the disease.

Its flavor is not pleasant but does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy.

Every time you eat an apple, do not throw the seed.

How many people die while this has been a closely guarded secret so as not to profit billions risks of large corporations?

As you well know apple is on all sides.

Apple is known in english as well as the multi-billion dollar company that manufactures technology products.

The apple seed is eaten directly or accompanied with a salad of your choice etc.

The interest of this seed is due to its strong anti-cancer effects.

And although he attributed many more properties, the most interesting is the effect it produces on tumors ..

This seed is a proven cancer remedy for cancers of all types.

Some argue that it is useful in all variants of cancer.

It is considered also as an anti-microbial agent wide spectrum against bacterial and fungal infections, is effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates high blood pressure and antidepressant, combat stress and nervous disorders.

The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, who says that after more than 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1.970 the extracts revealed that: it destroys the malignant cells in 12 types cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ...

The compounds of this seed act showed 10,000 times better slowing the growth of cancer cells the product Adriamycin, a chemotherapeutic drug, normally used in the world.

And what is even more astonishing : this type of therapy, with the apple seed, destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide helps cure cancer efficiently

There are, in general, three ways to remove cancer from the body :

By killing the cancer host cells themselves en masse. 

This can be dangerous because of the flood of debris, lactic acid, aflotoxins and mycotoxins in the blood which can, due to a massive die-off, put such a huge and dangerous strain on the liver and kidneys. 

This method does not necessarily kill the cancer causing pathogen which may simply go into hiding only to appear again after remission.

By forcing the cancer-causing pathogen to go into hibernation(hiding) or to cause the organism to change into another organism(by pleomorphism) which is no longer a dangerous parasite because of a change in metabolic body state. 

A change in metabolic body state therefore forces the organism to adapt itself and change into a more friendly non-parasitic, non-destructive organism in other words.

By directly killing the microbes that cause cell cancer and flooding the cancer cells with oxygen and converting the cancer cells back to normal cells.

Ted from Bangkok's method seems to use the method of killing the cancer host cells to stop cancer. 

Dmso, on its own, tends to revert the cancer cells back to normal cells whereas Vitamin C/Lysine appears to kill both the cancer-causing pathogen and can also kill host cancer cells outright. 

His remedy uses Dmso(Dimethyl Sulfoxide), Vitamin C, Lysine(amino acid), Green Tea powder and N-Acetyl L-Cysteine as the major ingredients.

Dmso is a top ranking anti-oxidant which has a keen affinity for particularly collecting inside tumors, so it has a unique and direct delivery method for stopping cancers. 

Dmso also has another unique characteristic, it can easily penetrate the skin and cell tissue and carry beneficial cancer-fighting nutrients into the cancerous cells themselves. 

Another major benefit Dmso, used topically, completely stops the cancer pain within a few days by completely neutralizing the lactic acid and removing excess intracellular sodium and calcium produced in the cancer cells. 

Dmso can also easily penetrate the blood/bone or blood/brain barrier.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Michael Douglas cancer cure announcement is a cruel medical hoax

Today the mainstream media is gleefully announcing that Michael Douglas has been "cured" of throat cancer.

Yes, they use the "cure" word, as if to imply the cancer is gone and will never recur.

Michael Douglas himself announced he has "beat cancer," and various cancer survivor groups are celebrating Douglas as a "cancer survivor."

Sadly, tragically, it's all a cruel medical hoax.

Michael Douglas is not a cancer survivor but rather a chemotherapy survivor.

His doctors have poisoned his body's vital organs brain, liver, kidneys and heart with extremely toxic chemicals that cause permanent, long-term damage.

Yes, along the way a cancer tumor shrank in size, and yet even that observation is no cure either. 


Because cancer tumors grow right back, usually within five years in the case of those with a history of smoking and drinking.

Mainstream media promotes chemotherapy

Yet, by parading Michael Douglas as an example of a cancer "cure," the mainstream media is cruelly and unjustifiably functioning as the marketing branch of the conventional cancer industry, publicizing a blatantly false message that "chemotherapy cures cancer.

" This will have the effect of causing yet more cancer patients to sign up for toxic chemotherapy treatments which will, sadly, kill many of them.

In this way, the mainstream media has made Michael Douglas the poster boy for quack medicine and fraudulent cancer "cures.

" That's not his fault, of course : He's just trying to cure cancer the best way he knows how, and he no doubt believed the lies and deceptions his cancer doctors were trained to tell him.

But the media is turning this into almost a celebration of the cancer industry.

And that is extremely irresponsible, given how many people don't survive chemotherapy, even when far safer and more natural therapies are readily available that really do cure cancer (but which have been outlawed in America).

The cancer industry is based on deception

If you really get down to the bottom of the issue here, the cancer industry is much like the financial industry (Wall Street) in that it is based on lies and misinformation.

In order to stay in business, it must continue to promote those lies, which include messages like "There's no such thing as a cure for cancer" unless you use their toxic poisons, in which case they readily use the word "cure.

" But you're not really cured because 70% (or so) of people who get chemotherapy for throat cancer are dead within five years.

Whereas, in the natural realm, people who pursue radical changes in lifestyle and who undergo live foods juicing therapies, Gerson therapy and other holistic approaches to cancer are literally cured to the point where their bodies stop metabolizing cancer.

They literally cure their own cancers out of health, not poison.

And because of that, they survive a very large number of years thereafter.

Not every person is cured through the use of natural therapies, of course.

Many people, for their own reasons, are unable to give up smoking cigarettes, or eating refined sugar, or consuming diet sodas or whatever substance probably contributed to their cancer in the first place.

A genuine "cure" for cancer requires absolute commitment to a healthful lifestyle, including the complete avoidance of cancer-causing chemicals in personal care products (cosmetics, deodorants, perfumes, etc.), in foods (processed meat), in medicines and so on.

It also requires a real nutritional overhaul of the body that boosts levels of vitamin D, selenium, zinc, vitamin C and plant-based anti-cancer nutrients such as those derived from raw cruciferous vegetables.

None of these things, however, were explained to Michael Douglas.

The conventional cancer industry isn't in the business of "educating" patients.

It's so much easier to just poison them and bill their insurance companies for the poison.

Then, for those who live through the suffering of the poison, they announce a (false) "cure" and congratulate them on being "cancer survivors."

Why chemotherapy treatment is a crime

It is cruel beyond measure to engaged in such celebration of the medical harming of a human being.

Chemotherapy should be criminalized, not celebrated.

It is a kind of "medical violence" being committed against human beings who are, 100% of the time, actually harmed by it.

Remember that chemotherapy chemicals are derived from the chemical weapons of World War I (Mustard Gas in particular).

What was once used on the battlefield to murder soldiers is now dripped into the veins of cancer victims and called "medicine."

The immediate side effects tell the real story of the dangers of chemotherapy to anyone paying attention : Extreme muscle loss, vomiting, hair falling out, a loss of brain function, sexual function and healthy sleep.

These are not signs of people healing.

These are the signs of people who are being poisoned.

This should be obvious to any intelligent observer.

That some people manage to survive these poisons is not a testament to the poisonous treatment itself but rather a demonstration of the amazing ability of the human liver to detoxify the human body, even against an onslaught of chemical weapons administered by oncologists.

And yet, even the liver has its limits, and after chemotherapy, most peoples' livers are permanently damaged to some degree, setting them up for yet more medical procedures, pharmaceuticals and possibly even a liver transplant (ka-ching!).

Yes, it's no exaggeration to say that chemotherapy's greatest benefit is to the doctors and hospitals who depend on repeat business to stay profitable.

Send a chemo patient home after a round of treatment, and you can be sure they will be back before too long, suffering from something else you can treat and bill.

Such is the sad, toxic legacy of our so-called "scientific" system of modern medicine, where profits consistently override the best interests of the patients.

I wish Douglas the best possible outcome

Personally, I am saddened by the way in which the cancer industry exploits human suffering for its own profit. 

I am saddened to see such a fine individual as Michael Douglas have his health destroyed by chemotherapy. 

He deserves better. 

He deserves holistic medicine to remind his body that he already knows how to cure his own cancer if he is just given the opportunity and education.

I genuinely hope Michael Douglas is cured of cancer through chemotherapy.

Perhaps he will be one of the rare miracles who somehow escapes the toxic effects of being poisoned by doctors.

But history tells me that is a statistically unlikely and foolish hope, and that Douglas will be battling cancer yet again inside of five years.

I can only hope that he awakens to the world of natural healing and seeks a more natural route while that option remains available to him.

In either case, even if he chooses conventional chemotherapy again, I wish him the best outcome and hope that his own biology can help him heal as quickly as possible.

It saddens me beyond belief to see people being harmed by the conventional cancer industry.

I am convinced that one day, chemotherapy will be outlawed. 

Until that day comes, it will continue to claim innocent victims who suffer and die at the hands of quack oncology.


Frozen lemon therapy

Any type of lemon works

Many professionals in restaurants and nutritionists are using or consuming the whole lemon, where nothing is wasted.

How can you use the whole lemon evenly?

Simple ... wash the lemon and place in the freezer of your refrigerator.

Once the lemon is frozen, use your grater and whole lemon (no need to peel) and sprinkle over your food.

Sprinkle in your drinks, wines, salads, ice cream, soups, pasta, pasta sauce, rice, sushi. ..

All foods have unexpectedly wonderful taste, something you've never tried before.

Probably thought it only contained lemon juice vitamin C.

Well, we know that lemon peels contain vitamins 5-10 times the lemon juice itself.

And yes, this is what you've been missing.

But from now on, when you follow this simple method for freezing the whole lemon and sprinkle over your dishes, you can eat all the nutrients and get healthier.

Lemon peels rejuvenate your health at the elimination of toxic elements from the body. great!

Take advantage of the amazing benefits of lemon!

Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells.

Its taste is pleasant and does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy.

How many people die while this secret is kept, so as not to endanger large billion-dollar corporations?

You can use any type of lemon or lime.

You can eat the fruit in different ways: the pulp, juices, beverages, prepare ice cream, cakes, etc ...

He is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors.

This result is tested against cancers of all types.

Some say it is very useful for all forms of cancer.

It is also considered as an antimicrobial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and blood pressure is an antidepressant and combat nervousness.

It is an extraordinary alkalizing regulates the pH of the blood for optimum health.

The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that:

To destroy malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ...

The compounds of this fruit proved to be 10 000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug commonly used in the world such as chemotherapy, reduced growth of cancer cells.

And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Cancer can be cured and prevented naturally and scientifically

Have you ever wondered why 100 years ago cancer was a rare disease but today, there are many kinds of cancer and it is estimated 1 out of 4 people will get cancer in their life!

This is not just someone's opinion about cancer but, facts that have been proven in scientific labs, by doctors and, the most important test is from the people that have cured cancer from their own bodies !!!

Vitamin B17 was the subject of great controversy over 20 years ago when some of the world's top scientists claimed that when consumed, the components of certain raw fruit seeds make it 100% impossible to develop cancer and will kill existing cancer in most cases.

The pharmaceutical companies pounced on this claim immediately and demanded that FDA studies be conducted.

The results of these studies are found in a book called "World Without Cancer", by G. Edward Griffin.

Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin is found in most fruit seeds, namely apricot seeds. The apricot seed was claimed as the cure for all cancers over 35 years ago.

It was even more strongly claimed that when one eats about 7 apricot seeds per day they can never develop cancer, just as one can never get scurvy if they have an orange every day, or pellagra if they have some B vitamins every day.

The pharmaceuticals companies together with the medical establishment pushed the FDA into making it illegal to sell "raw" apricot seeds or vitamin B17 with information about its effects on cancer.

Even to this day, you can't get raw apricot seeds in your health food store, only the sun dried ones which have all the important enzymes killed off.

Pharmaceutical companies only conduct studies on patented chemicals they invent so that at the end of their study, if the drug gets approved, they have sole rights on its sale.

(They make back tons more than the mere 250 million that they invested)

They never do studies on foods that can't be patented and that can be sold by any supermarket.

The information on this site is not just for preventing cancer, it is for those that have cancer now and are on chemo or radiation at this moment, as well as for those who have cancer but haven't started any conventional methods yet.

Most of the people that already have cancer clusters in their body, who eat the apricot seeds and/or take the vitamin b17 in tablet form show near to complete tumor regression.

Although cancer patients may get rid of their cancer, they also have the problem of the organ damage that the cancer has caused.

This is another issue where other herbs and remedies are necessary for proper organ regeneration.

Of course when a person's body is completely eaten up by cancer, the raw apricot seeds and its extract (laetrile and vitamin b17) would only prolong their life many times longer than chemotherapy and might not completely save them.

However in many cases high levels of the injectable vitamin B17 "laetrile" will help a great deal with the pain.

The information that you're about to read will guide you in how you can guarantee a nearly cancer free life or help your body get rid of cancer if you have it.

Vitamin B-17 is found in most fruit seeds.

Its components make it vital for our survival without cancer. Seeds are for everyone to eat.

Don't wait and see if you develop cancer to start eating the seeds.

Vitamin B17 is found in seeds such as the apple, peach, cherry, grapes, and apricot. It is found in some beans and many grasses such as wheat grass.

The hard wooden pit in the middle of the apricot or peach for example, is not supposed to be thrown away.

In fact, the wooden shell is actually a strong armor protecting one of the most important foods known to man, the seed. It is one of the main courses of food in cultures such as the Navajo Indians, the Hunzakuts, the Abkhazians and many more.

Cultures such as these have never had a reported case of cancer when eating their traditional foods!

We don't need to make the seed a main course in our diets, but we do need the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds per day.

This will nearly guarantee a cancer free life. Other foods that contain vitamin B-17 are: bitter almonds, millet, lima beans and more.

Apricot seeds have the highest content of B-17 on earth.

They are chewable and bitter and a necessity in our diet. Although apricot seeds are bitter, they must be integrated into our diets.

They may be added to food or chopped up and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey or applesauce.

The seeds may be used in combination with the Laetrile Cancer Therapy. 

As a preventative, Dr. Krebs (the scientist who discovered B-17) asserts that 7 or more apricot seeds per day will make it impossible to develop cancer in one's life time.

One or two of the B-17 tablets (100 mg) is an acceptable supplemental dosage per day.

Stores do not sell "raw" apricot seeds because of the raids the FDA made on those stores with vitamin B17 and the apricot seeds years ago.

In nearly all cases when the B-17 is taken in high doses the tumors shrink.

Now one is faced with the confusion of staying on the chemotherapy or stopping the chemo, due to the unclearness of what shrunk the cancer.

Those that continue on with the chemotherapy have a relatively poor outcome. 

We understand that once an individual is caught in the vacuum cycle of chemotherapy, radiation and operations, it is very difficult to pull away from this higher authority (principalities, prestigious doctors and hospitals) and say "NO" to more chemotherapy.

My friend Jason still has a small tumor in his kidney and would not let Dr. Nagler of Beth Israel Hospital remove his kidney despite his certified "scare" letters sent to his house over and over again.

Hundreds of people make the wrong decisions because they were expecting their tumor to disappear. ( This is one of the things you have to know.)

When it shrinks down that's it, start rejoicing and continue on your natural regimen. Do not stop eating the seeds.

The tumor doesn't disappear.

Most doctors will still see a tumor and continue to give a person chemotherapy (until they're dead) in attempts to make it disappear.

Malignant (cancerous) tumors are only a small percent cancer and when the cancer part starts dying off, the tumor only shrinks down the percent that the tumor was cancerous.

In other words, if a kidney tumor is 10 percent cancerous the tumor will shrink down only 10 percent.

So if you get a CAT scan, which one should never get (with 6 CAT scans there is over 60% more of a chance of one developing Leukemia; MRI's are much safer as they use magnetic imaging and not radiation) a 10 percent shrinkage will be concluded as "NO CHANGE" by a doctor.

If you have cancer and would like some information on how to take the B-17 as well as foods to eat and foods that you should not eat, keep reading.

Here are some helpful tips on improving your health and preventing cancer.

Note : Let your body get used to the new changes and start everything at a low dosage and gradually build up or you may get sick.

If you do not have cancer and you want to prevent it, eat 7 to 10 apricots seeds daily (start out at a low dosage, such as 1 or 2 at a time and work up to 7 to 10), stay away from refined sugar (sugar feeds cancer), caffeine (very bad for your liver and kidneys), and white flour (easily changed to sugars).

Read your food labels and educate yourself on ingredients that are listed.

Try to eat more raw foods and stay away from the processed food.

If it has a warning label on it, you know what to do, right?

If you have cancer now, after finishing this page please read the link on the left labeled "Protocol". I have reworded the info here as a short version of what is there.

At least 21 days of the injectable B-17 at 9 grams per day or up to 6 seeds per hour.

Start the seeds at a low dosage (such as 1 or 2 at a time) as they must go through your digestive tract and can cause nausea. The injectable needs to be put into a vein.


Up to eighteen 500 MG tablets per day or up to 6 seeds per hour for the seeds (start out with a low dosage and build up).

Your digestive system must have time to accommodate the dosage.

Plus there is a pancreatic enzyme that helps breaks down the protein wall around a cancer cell.

You can get this enzyme by eating raw organic pineapple or you can order a product called "Megazyme Forte" from the same place you got the seeds.

Eat just a helping or so of pineapple per day with the seeds.

Start taking a low dosage of vitamin C every day (about 500 to 1000 MG) and slowly build your way up to 10,000 to 25,000 MG per day.

This will take some time to get your body used to such levels so don't be too anxious about getting to the higher dosages right away.

Some symptoms of too high a dose could be headaches, nausea, diarrhea, etc. This does not mean that the product is not working.

On the contrary, it means that your body is being detoxified too fast so you need to back off on the dosage.

You want to detox your body at a slow rate so you won't get the symptoms described above.

Regardless if you have already torn down you immune system with chemo or radiation, you will want to build it up as much as you can.

One way to do this is with a product called AHCC. AHCC helps build your immune system up to the level that is needed to fight cancer and other diseases.

Drink a lot of pure water. Microwater is the best. 

Juicing is good for your liver.

You can get some beets and juice them with other vegetables. It is very important that you start slow on this as it could make you feel sick at first.

Drink a small amount at first (such as 1/4 cup) and slowly build up to higher amounts.

The beet juice will cause your liver to dump toxins into your system as it is a very good liver cleanse.

A lot ( about 8 to 10 eight ounce glasses of water per day) of pure micro water will help you rinse the toxins out.

Now for the foods you should not eat...

Refined sugar (sugar feeds cancer), use Spenda™ or Stevia, caffeine (very bad for your liver and kidneys), white flour (easily changed to sugars), and try to eat very little meat during this time.

You can have meat but meat takes away from the digestive enzymes that help tear down the protein wall that is around the cancer cell.

As for anything new that you do or take, always start out at a low dosage and build your way up.

That way you can monitor what your body is telling you.

Now if you feel sick when you start doing any of these things you have never done, it does not mean it is not working.

It may be that you are taking too much too fast.

Some natural products will detox your system and if you do it too fast, it can make you feel sick, (flu like symptoms). Just reduce the dosages of any new thing you are doing for awhile and slowly increase from that point.

Most importantly, pray in faith and ask God for wisdom, help, and for His healing power. James 1:5-8 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

As you continue looking through the pages ayou will find; Biological and chemical descriptions of the destruction of a cancer cell by the components of a seed (B-17), politics of cancer, as well as doctors and scientists that are 100% sure that cancer is a direct result of a deficiency in B-17.

Remember how scurvy, rickets, pellagra and Beri Beri were results of deficiencies in vitamins B & C. It took decades and killed millions before the kings and medical industry of the time accepted the simple vitamin solutions.

Today, we are in a nearly identical situation concerning cancer.

We strongly suggest that you start prevention now and do not wait for cancer to develop before you take action.

The FDA will not allow vitamin B-17 and information about vitamin B-17 to be sold together.

The hummus an antidepressant that prevents cancer

Of Arab origin , the hummus was not well known until relatively recently when its expansion in the U.S. has been such that the industry has grown from hummus , according to the New York Times, a turnover of five million dollars a year ago 15 530 million years .

This paste of chickpeas with lemon juice, paste sesame seeds, known as tahini, and olive oil , can be accompanied by garlic, paprika , olives , pita bread or fresh vegetables, according to local varieties and traditions although versions art can accompany a few crusts of corn or wheat.

Among the keys to success in the Western world of this popular dish throughout the entire Middle East , including Israel , Lebanon , Palestine , Turkey, Greece , Syria , Armenia and Cyprus are the great benefits it can bring to humans .

We discuss the reasons why we should eat more hummus often , in addition to its flavor :

1. High in protein

Nutritionist Peggy Kotsopoulos says Fitness magazine in the magazine , as the hummus is so rich in protein, helps fight hunger pangs and keeps blood sugar levels due to low glycemic value.

This is what makes the hummus is present in the diets of many athletes because it not only provides protein , but are easily assimilated by the body and high quality.

And although the pita bread is not the worst thing you can eat , you can substitute vegetables like carrots or celery to accompany it.

2. Nutritional contribution:

Besides protein, hummus contains high doses of minerals such as iron , phosphorus , potassium, calcium and magnesium as well as vitamin B , niacin , folic acid , thiamin and riboflavin , which helps to protect and enhance the status of the different organs of our body and the muscular and nervous system.

Thanks to these minerals chickpea hummus becomes a very beneficial food in times of stress , irritability , nervousness and sleeplessness .

It is also an ideal course if diet for hypertension, kidney stones and uric acid to remove thanks to a strong diuretic effect.

Its rich in folic acid does recommended in pregnancy because the fetus prevent deformity , aid in the development of the fetal brain and promotes the welfare of the mother.

Retinol helps to get a much more elastic and young tissues.

Iron helps increase energy and keeps the motivation to exercise.

Three . under fat content

Hummus fat intake is high , and also the amount of essential fatty acids is suitable for the proper functioning of organism .

Among the unsaturated fatty acids it provides, linoleic acid and oleic acid help maintain cells in perfect condition.

Furthermore, the high content of Omega 3 fatty acid helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and sharpen intelligence.

4 . Carbohydrates and fiber

The hummus is also notable for the amount of healthy carbohydrates and slow absorption which provide energy to stay active longer but with sugar levels tightly controlled blood, so it is beneficial for diabetics who must control their levels glucose and prevent insulin resistance , pre- diabetes phase .

It also highlights the amount of fiber contained in this dish , which is very beneficial for maintaining a sleek body and free of toxins and promote digestive tract , which is important for the prevention of colon and rectal cancer and simultaneously prevent and improve constipation.

May . Antidepressant effects

Eating hummus produces serotonin , the happiness hormone , as in antidepressants.

According to research conducted by Israeli scientists the cause of the welfare state caused a bowl of hummus sprinkled with olive oil and sprinkled with paprika to consumers is that it contains an amino acid known as triptofen that, in large quantity, produces serotonin .

Archaeologist Abi Gofer , one of the researchers explained that a plate of hummus more than satisfies the appetite and helps sleep.

Furthermore, in the case of women , " ovulation contributes to become pregnant and faster ."

6. Helps reduce cholesterol

The high protein and low fat and fiber content of chickpeas makes help regulate cholesterol levels .

7. Chickpeas help reduce cancer risk

Phytic acid and saponins compound help defend cell genetic damage that causes cancer .

Foods containing folate reduce the risk of developing colon or rectal cancer because it promotes the growth of good bacteria in the colon.

8. It's the best that can be spread on bread

Instead of butter, cheese spread , chocolate cream or similar foods , hummus is the best that can be spread on bread if you want to maintain a healthy diet and can even accompany salmon , boiled eggs, peppers.

Also be used in place of mayonnaise ( both fat ) in some salads .

10. Antioxidant Effects

One of the main ingredients is garlic hummus that besides its perfect flavor in this dish , has a powerful antioxidant effect, is a natural antibiotic and has strong germicidal powers.

Some studies garlic also has stimulant properties of the activity of the digestive organs and beneficial for respiratory problems .

10. 's Very easy to make at home

The hummus is a very simple dish to make at home .

It just takes a pot of chickpeas, garlic , olive oil , tahini (you can buy in supermarkets , health food shops , grocery products Arabs ... ) , lemon juice and salt.

Just mix the ingredients in a bowl and beat with mixer until a smooth creamy texture.

When serving you can garnish with some sweet (or spicy) paprika , sesame seeds , a drizzle of olive oil and some fresh chopped parsley .