Thursday, April 30, 2020

Proton therapy

As the whole world battles against cancer, the survival rate of cancer patients in Korea has shown a great improvement. 

About half of Korean cancer patients have, in recent times, managed to survive for more than ten years, which illustrates that world class cancer treatments are available in Korea.

The Korean government recently announced that the survival rate of Korean cancer patients had improved from 59.5% in 2.008 to 62.0% in 2.009, while the cancer mortality rate showed a 19% decrease in 2.006 and a 21% decrease in 2.008. 

In addition, the 2.011 Health Care Quality Indicators released by OECD member countries indicated that Korea excelled in the treatment of uterine cancer and that its survival rate for stomach cancer, 65.3%, well surpassed those of the USA (26%), Europe (24.9%), Japan (62.1%) and Canada (22%). 

In addition, the survival rate from thyroid cancer in Korea is 99.7% while that of breast cancer is 90.6%.

Similarly, Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare carried out an interim assessment of the '10-Year Plan to Conquer Cancer' and found out that the plan had exceeded its initial objective in 2.011. 

Thus, the Ministry upgraded the survival rate target by 2.015 from 54% to 67% following the deliberation by the National Cancer Management Committee. 

Cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people able to survive five years after being diagnosed with and treated for cancer. It actually means the complete recovery rate.

Such excellent survival rates for Korean cancer patients have been due to the continuous efforts of the government to manage cancer and advance the medical technology. 

Korea has been building its reputation in robot-assisted surgery, a cutting edge cancer treatment technology, which has every year attracted many medical experts from Japan, Taiwan and many other countries to the National Cancer Center to learn the robot-assisted surgical techniques.

Proton therapy at the National Cancer Center is one of the most renowned cancer treatment techniques in Korea. 

Proton therapy is a type of particle therapy that uses hydrogen ions, which are 1800 times heavier than electrons. 

Protons accelerated by a cyclotron irradiate a human body containing cancerous tumors in order to destroy the DNA contained by these tumors.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Resveratrol – The Wonder Nutrient

It’s a wonderful time to be alive.

Every day we see new discoveries in the field of diet and nutrition which can help our bodies fight disease, enhance the quality of our lives and even improve survival in catastrophic diseases.

One of the most important nutritional discoveries of modern time is a substance called Resveratrol.

Research found that resveratrol was the most powerful antioxidant ever found.

It was also found that the highest levels of Resveratrol could be extracted from the muscadine grape, the skin and the seeds.

And it was proven perfectly safe to take as a nutritional supplement.

Antioxidants are needed at very high levels for optimum health and disease prevention in human beings.

Antioxidants prevent and repair cell damage caused by free radicals in the body.

Free radicals - atoms with unpaired electrons - wreak havoc in the human body by damaging cells and causing disease and aging.

Natural foods in the diet are the best source of antioxidants.

Resveratrol and the Fountain of Youth

The search for the fountain of youth has been an elusive goal for humanity.

But Resveratrol may be the first-discovered substance available to everyone - that can arrest and reverse the aging process, extend human lifespan and eliminate much human suffering from disease.

With its ability to arrest aging and help our bodies combat all of the associated diseases.

Resveratrol may truly be a wonder nutrient. 

Here’s how :

Resveratrol Mimics Calorie Restriction to Prevent Aging and Disease

Restricting caloric intake is a proven method to extend lifespan in all living organisms in which it has been tested.

It appears that resveratrol mimics all of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.

Wisconsin found similarities between the genetic effects in the heart, skeletal muscle and brain of calorie restriction and the effects of resveratrol.

While the expression of 1,029 heart genes changed with age in the control animals, calorie restriction was found to reduce these age-related alterations in expression by 90 percent, and resveratrol reduced the age-related alterations in expression by 92 percent.

These remarkable results prompted the researchers to write,

“Resveratrol at doses that can be readily achieved through dietary supplementation in humans is as effective as calorie restriction in opposing the majority of age-related transcriptional alterations in the aging heart.

Resveratrol and Cancer

Cancer kills by spreading.

The process is called metastases.

If cancer is contained and does not metastasize - it does not kill.

More than 90% of the cancer deaths are from cancer which has spread locally, regionally or throughout the body.

Resveratrol may prevent, for example, breast cancer because resveratrol suppresses abnormal cell formation that leads to most types of breast cancer.

According to Eleanor G. Rogan, a professor in the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases at the University of Nebraska Medical Center,

"Resveratrol has the ability to prevent the first step that occurs when estrogen starts the process that leads to cancer by blocking the formation of the estrogen DNA adducts.

We believe that this could stop the whole progression that leads to breast cancer down the road."

Resveratrol from a nutritional supplement, at the equivalent of an 800mg dose, proved better at binding to estrogen, which promotes and causes breast cancer, and prompted researchers to write that Resveratrol is potentially superior to standard anti-estrogen drugs which have potentially dangerous and deadly side effects.

A study led by Dr. Randall Holcombe, director of clinical research at the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at UC Irvine, found that a diet containing low doses of freeze-dried grape powder may block the genes linked to the development of sporadic colorectal cancer.

Sporadic colorectal cancer, the third most common cancer, kills over half a million people each year.

Seventy-five percent of colon cancer is sporadic and occurs in those with little or no family history of the disease.

Holcombe said that researchers have known about the link between diet and cancer for some time.

After curing her own stomach cancer with a therapy based on grapes, Johanna Brandt, a South African woman, wrote a book called “The Grape Cure” in which she described that a diet high in whole grapes, eaten with the seeds, cured cancer.

Brandt found that two days of fasting followed by consuming grapes at amounts increasing from 1 to 4 lbs per day for up to 2 months, would reduce and eliminate tumors.

According to Dr Solomon Cohen, around the turn of the 20th Century, there were over a dozen clinics and spas in northern Europe that were administering the grape cure.

Since the mapping of the human genome, scientists have been engaged in an unprecedented search for drugs which will manipulate genes by switching genes on and off in a process called gene expression or silencing.

But the initial results with cancer drugs like Iressa and Tarceva which targeted single genes have been disappointing.

This is because most diseases like cancer involve many genes. Dr Guy Faguet wrote in his landmark book, The War on Cancer – Anatomy of Failure – A Blueprint for the Future,

We must repudiate the cell-killing paradigm that has dominated the War on Cancer, and anchor future strategies on targeting the molecular and genetic defects.

The Resveratrol molecule targets a wide range of genes and has been shown to be capable of silencing entire bundles of genes (chromatin).

In fact, resveratrol can shut off hundreds of genes which are required for tumor growth.

This amazing ability caused one researcher to call resveratrol a “biologically specific tsunami.”

Resveratrol Works Its Magic in Many Ways

Other researchers are even more excited about resveratrol.

Paolo Signorelli and Riccardo Ghidoni, in Milan, Italy wrote in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry that, “Natural compounds (like resveratrol)…offer a less specific, but perhaps more effective strategy for cancer therapy by inducing combinations of effects that may counteract the metabolic alterations related to cancer promotion.

Further, researchers at the University of Illinois wrote “resveratrol holds great promise for future development as a chemopreventive agent that may be useful for several disorders.”

The search for the drug-based magic bullet for cancer has been an exercise in futility.

We have spent 3 trillion dollars in the war on cancer, and have not found a single magic bullet - and it is unlikely that we will ever find one,” says Frank Wiewel, former chairman of the pharmacological and biological treatments committee at the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) in the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

“What we have found is a host of toxic agents that kill human cells. Chemotherapy is dangerous, ineffective and highly profitable.

The entire focus [of the war on cancer] should be shifted to a program of cancer prevention with diet, nutrition, exercise and research into natural agents like resveratrol which show tremendous promise in the prevention and treatment of cancer.” 

In 1985 Wiewel founded the international non-profit public interest group People Against Cancer, and launched the hotline 1-800-No-Cancer to transform the war on cancer through prevention and innovation, and to help people to find the best cancer treatments.

Conventional cancer drugs are focused on killing cells. Chemotherapy has failed to improve survival and quality of life in 80% of human cancers because it kills healthy cells as well as cancer cells, doing major collateral damage.

Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland." 

It turns out that resveratrol may safely block all three stages of cancer initiation, promotion and progression without any side effects or collateral damage to healthy cells.

Resveratrol kills cancer cells naturally by inducing apoptosis (also called programmed cell death) while leaving healthy cells unharmed. It does this by converting lipids (or fats) in tumor cells into molecules called ceramides.

For example, researchers found that resveratrol causes breast cancer cells to die off in this manner.

Resveratrol in Obesity

Obesity is a major risk factor for cancer. In 2008, over 66% of Americans are either overweight or obese. 

It has now been demonstrated that resveratrol can prevent and treat the major health issues found in obesity by mimicking calorie restriction.

In a study published in the journal Nature, Harvard Biologist Dr. David Sinclair and his colleagues, took this work a step farther, showing that in higher animals, resveratrol prevents many of the diseases like cancer and heart disease that are associated with old age and hastened by obesity.

"We are reporting that just with a simple molecule sprinkled in the food of mice, you can reduce most of the negative impact of obesity, even if you do not lose weight,

Sinclair explained. 

These negative impacts include diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease that can eventually kill people who are overweight.

So powerful were his findings that Dr Sinclair told the New York Times in November of 2006 that he has been taking resveratrol along with his wife and parents and “half of my lab” of two dozen members.

The dose Sinclair was reported to be taking was about 320mg.

There are thousands of scientific reports on resveratrol listed by the National Library of Medicine. These studies suggest benefits in cancer, heart disease, and age-related brain disorders.

Resveratrol inhibits fungal infection, raises HDL "good" cholesterol, lowers PSA (the prostate cancer marker) levels in males, raises immunity, controls blood pressure, preserves red blood cells, prevents blood clots and inhibits inflammation.

In 1954, Dr. Denham Harmon introduced The Free Radical Theory of Aging which launched a revolution in the understanding of aging and chronic degenerative diseases like cancer.

The theory represented a breathtaking leap in understanding free radical chemistry in biological systems.

Harmon proposed that free radicals, which are atoms with unpaired electrons, are the first step in aging and degenerative disease like cancer and heart disease.

Free radicals are produced through the body’s use of oxygen.

As with all revolutionary ideas his theory was originally ridiculed by the medical community. However, by the 1980s his theory became the focus of research in cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke the major killers.

Harmon recommends not smoking, limits on alcohol consumption, regular exercise and increased consumption of dietary antioxidants.

In 1995, Harmon was nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine.

At 92, Harmon continues his work on dietary sources of antioxidants and free radical scavengers from natural sources like fruits, vegetables and natural source nutritional supplements and their role in human health and disease prevention.

Resveratrol – From Wine or From a Nutritional Supplement

While resveratrol was originally found in wine, the best way to get the benefits of resveratrol is not from wine, as alcohol consumption causes myriad health risks.

Even two ounces of alcohol per day increases the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer and cancers of the head and neck.

The best way to consume resveratrol appears to be from the extract of the skins and seeds of the grape itself and the best source appears to the variety of grapes called muscadine which yield the highest levels of resveratrol.

While resveratrol appears to be the most important substance found in the muscadine grape, many health benefits have been found in other plant based substances also found in the muscadine grape. They include: Ellagic acid, Quercetin, Anthocyanidins, Cyanidin, OPCs (oligomeric procyanidins), Tartaric acid, Caffeic acid, Chlorogenic acid, Peonidin, Cinnamic acid, Delphinidin, Epicatechin, Petunidin, Gallic acid, Geraniol, Vitamin C, Myricetin, Kaempferol, Coumaric acid and Malvidin.

Of the substances in Muscadine grapes :

Ellagic acid promotes normal cell function and is unique to the muscadine grape; Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant and anticancer agent now undergoing extensive clinical trials worldwide;

Another group of substances called Anthocyanins (flavonoids) support vision, nerve function and blood vessels;

Oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs) (also called proanthocyanidins) are bioflavonoids and potent antioxidants which support immune function and promote proper inflammatory processes in the body.

Proanthocyanadins are one of the most potent free radical scavengers known, possessing an antioxidant effect up to 50 times more potent than vitamin E and up to 20 times more powerful than vitamin C.

Study after study points to grapes, their seeds and skins and red wine as the best source of resveratrol.

Additional powerful active ingredients in red wine may be the tiny compounds called procyanidins found in the skin and seeds of the grapes.

A research team at Queen Mary's School of Medicine in London recently set out to determine the compound in red wine that has the greatest effect on blood vessel dilation.

Procyanidins went to the root and actually suppressed the constriction of blood vessels.

So they may help to keep your blood moving freely and your passages wide open.

According to Roger Corder, head of the research team at Queen Mary's, "with resveratrol you'd need to drink 1,000 liters of red wine to have any chance of affecting longevity," he goes on, "but procyanidins are so potent that drinking just one glass a day would have an effect."

So it may be best to get Resveratrol from the extract of the muscadine grape in a natural nutritional supplement containing a high extract of resveratrol and procyanidins from the seeds and skins of the grape.

Resveratrol and Longevity

A new study shows resveratrol, which has previously shown to prolong the life of yeast, worms and fruit flies, may extend the lifespan of vertebrate animals like fish and possibly humans. 

Researchers adding resveratrol to the daily diet of the fish prolonged their expected life span and slowed the progression of age-related memory and muscular problems.

Researchers found fish fed the lower dose of resveratrol lived an average of 33% longer than fish fed their normal diets, while those fed the higher dose of the red wine ingredient lived more than 50% longer.

They say the findings suggest that resveratrol is the first compound to consistently prolong the life of several very different animal groups and could become the stepping stone for creating drugs to prevent age-related diseases in humans.

Resveratrol and Diabetes

About 1.5 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in people aged 20 years or older in 2005.

Research carried out by scientists at the Peninsula Medical School in the Southwest of England showed that Resveratrol can protect against the cellular damage to blood vessels caused by high production of glucose in diabetes.

When they are damaged they can leak electrons and make highly damaging 'free radicals'.

Resveratrol effectively scavenges these free radicals.

Chinese scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai found Resveratrol may counter type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

The insulin hormone controls blood sugar. Insulin resistance occurs when the body becomes less sensitive to insulin.

This condition can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Resveratrol and Heart Disease and Stroke

Albert Sun, a professor of pharmacology at Missouri University, discovered that resveratrol can absorb free radicals during a stroke and stop them from doing any further damage to the brain or individual cells.

The researchers found a remarkable difference between brain cells that had been treated with resveratrol and those that had not. Researchers found the compound was helpful if taken both before and after a stroke.

According to researchers at the University of Toronto, resveratrol may be the compound responsible for wine's proven ability to protect against atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.


Everyone now has access to important new scientific information about human health and the prevention of disease.

With this information we can do more for ourselves than any doctor.

The best thing we can do for prevention is to lower our intake of red meat, eat a diet based on large amounts of organic vegetables, with small amounts of fruits and grains and nuts, and take natural nutritional supplements.

We should go into the sun daily.

Get exercise every day. Importantly, we should eliminate the poisons in our food, air, water and environment.

We now have access to resveratrol as a nutritional supplement a safe and natural substance which is more powerful in preventing and treating cancer and other deadly diseases than expensive, dangerous drugs.

It’s a wonderful time to be alive.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science.

It is a natural health care system thought to be the "mother of healing".

Unlike modern western medicine, which focuses on treating the symptoms of an illness, Ayurveda concentrates on the source of the disease using natural treatments to eliminate the root cause and promote the patient`s inherent self-healing abilities by improving immunity.

The most extreme example of illness caused by lack of purpose is cancer.

Ayurveda considers cancer an emotionally caused disease.

According to Vaidya Balendu Prakash (Hony. Physician to the President of India), cancer can easily be defined within the philosophy of Ayurveda.

The combination of diet, lifestyle and medicines play an important role in the prevention and treatment of the cancer.

There are certain guidelines in ayurveda that are necessary to be followed to keep a person healthy.

Either less or excess or untimely diet or lifestyle factors that disturb vata-pitta-kapha (tridosh), that is, the body metabolism, can cause cancer.

Vaidya Balendu Prakash says that the rising incidence of cancer can be attributed to the drastic changes in our lifestyle and dietary habits, especially the use of chemical and synthetic food items, which deprive us from adequate mineral intake.

Rasayna Shastra, one of the eight clinical specialties of ayurveda emphasizes on the balance of the seven metals (gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc, iron and lead).

These metals help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The food items that we consume today are deficient in many minerals.

This deficiency causes acidification, which further leads to poor absorption of the metals by our bodies.

Moreover, eating disorders, untimely eating, exertion, anxiety, stress, depression and other lifestyle factors contribute towards the formation of acids and toxins in the body, which in turn results in the inflammation of the gastro-intestinal track.

The accumulation of toxins and the gradual suppression of the immune system lead to abnormal activities in the different tissues of the body, ultimately leading to cancer.

Ayurveda takes a different approach to achieve good health.

It looks at the whole person to eliminate the cause of disease through natural therapies.

It can improve health and help prevent serious illness through simple dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and purification techniques that restore balance to your body.

Ayurveda is also compatible with Western medicine. 

An increasing number of doctors are incorporating ayurveda into their regular practice to provide a synergistic effect.

Diagnosis according to ayurveda is to find out the root cause of a disease. It is not always necessary that the root cause be inside the body.

The cause could be some stress causing factors in the surroundings or the family or the work place.

To give permanent relief the root cause (physical-pain or psychological-stress /fear) has to be removed.

The treatment of a disease according to ayurveda is not just curing a person of his physical symptoms.

The person is treated as a whole (the body and the mind).

Different kinds of examinations are made to find out the root cause of a disease. One of them is pulse examination.

By checking the pulse, the ayurvedic physician finds out the position of Tridosha i.e. find out the predominant dosha.

This is known as the `Naadi Pariksha` (nadi or pulse and pariksha or examination).

So once the physician knows which dosha is aggravated or out of balance, the main job is to bring it under balance by using different kinds of therapies.

The mental situation, family relations and other outside factors are thoroughly examined.

Treatment is three-way.

Through medicines, diet control and Panchakarma.

The medicinal treatment mainly comprises of powders, tablets, decoctions, medicated oils etc. prepared from natural herbs, plants and minerals.

Because the medicines are from natural sources and not synthetic, they are accepted and assimilated in the body without creating any side effects when they are used properly in the right proportions.

Along with medicine, proper diet and living style is also advised.

Ayurveda advocates a diet depending on the constitution of a person and the area of inhabitance.

Panchkarma therapy involving therapeutic cleansing of the body is also used as a treatment in many diseases.

Fundamental principles, health rules, knowledge of individual constitution of our body, use of various herbs, minerals and specially Panchkarma therapy can be very safely used by one and all, all over the world to promote good health, prevent diseases and acquire longevity.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Anvirzel is a patented extract from the Nerium Oleander, a common house plant.

It is very toxic, the plant, that is, and if you insist on eating it, it will kill you.

However, the extract (Anvirzel) has been the twenty year study of a Dr Ozel from Turkey.

Dr Ozel foolishly told everyone that his drug could cure cancer.

It is pretty harmless.

There is no known overdose amount. It is not as safe as water, but it's not nearly as dangerous as Vioxx.

But Dr Ozel really goofed, and foolishly told the authorities that his drug could cure cancer, and that vanquished your chances getting this substance right now; this substance that is as safer than Tylenol.

Dr Merrill Garnett, on the other hand, after creating Poly-MVA, registered it in Mexico as an antioxidant.

Poly-MVA can be bought over the counter. Anvirzel can only be gotten by flying down to Honduras and spending a week at a hospital.

And then, if you want it, you will pay 10 times its cost of production (minimum) when  Poly-MVA isn't even sold at double its cost. Good move, Dr Ozel.

Anvirzel is a drug of the future (you can't get it presently). It certainly doesn't fall into any categories of present day chemotherapeutic drugs.

According to our sources, studies prove it is non toxic. Secondly, studies show it attacks tumors; studies in bladder cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer show very very positive results.

Thirdly, it seems to boost the patient's immune system (chemotherapy to date has destroyed immune systems on a regular basis).

And finally, Anvirzel has a role in uncovering the cancer cells: it seems that cancer cells camouflage themselves and hide from the immune cells.

Anvirzel helps the immune system hunt them out, directing the attack on cancer cells.

Anvirzel is made in Texas presently, but is available only in Honduras.

You can fly down to Honduras to get a six month supply, costing under $9,000.00.

The FDA has approved clinical trials at the Cleveland Cancer Clinic.

So far, we've heard nothing.

We have been told by an insider that the Anvirzel in Honduras might not be the same Anvirzel being tested in the US.

However, this person is presently being tried in federal court for a number of schemes, including hawking an ethanol extracted Oleander drug from Russia called Xenavex.

Now even though Anvirzel comes from a plant and has no toxicity, it is considered a drug. If passed by the FDA (the gov't agency that runs a protection racket for the pharmaceutical industry), expect an over-the-counter version to be used as a preventative and immune system booster.

Reports that slipped out in late 1999 showed that Anvirzel reversed AIDS, no matter what the phase of the disease, arthritis, psoriasis, hepatitis C, and even diabetes in some cases. Initially, Anvirzel was thought to work only on cancers found early, however, very positive results have been found in people given just weeks to live.

To top this all off, Anvirzel seems to be the first cancer remedy to show positive results for leiomyosarcoma, probably the deadliest of cancers.

Anvirzel also crosses the blood-brain barrier (like Poly-MVA) and gives hope to people with brain tumors.

If given a chance, this could turn the world of medicine upside down: sometimes cancer cannot be controlled or conquered simply because the organs it has attacked are too far gone.

Anvirzel reduces pain, allowing the patient to die with dignity at home, with very little, if any, pain medications.

We received one story of a patient with advanced pancreatic cancer, who the day before he died, ran a board meeting at his office.

He took his first pain medication one hour before dying. He also wrote a letter to Ozelle Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the company that makes Anvirzel, thanking them for the extra time he was given and the quality of his last days.

Sadly, if the medical community wants to bury this new drug, they can.

Drug companies are already trying to buy it out, and probably bury it. Paranoia? Look at the history of Hydrazine Sulfate.

The battle goes on. In Mexico, some clinics claim to have access to Anvirzel.

We have been given the original formula that Dr Ozelle worked with in Turkey. It is NOT Anvirzel; we call it Oleander Soup. 

Anvirzel was in Phase II trials, but because of a lack of funding, the trials have been put on hold.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

New Drug Against Skin Cancer

To prevent skin cancer is the best precaution against the sun’s rays.

Now, this prevention with medical and pharmacological advances could bring an end to skincancer.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its acronym in English) has just approved a new drug that has shown to prolong the lives of people with advanced melanoma.
It is called , ipilimumab.

People who have some type of melanoma are in luck.

So far the only treatment before the disease was chemotherapy, which also does not stop the cancer and in 20 percent of cases.

Now, thanks to pharmaceutical research, there is another less invasive treatment, the Yervoy (trade name ipilimumab).

As explained by the director of the office assessment of the FDA anti-cancer treatments, Richard Pazdur, although there are many treatments in the process of investigation, “it is the first therapy approved by the FDA which clearly shows that longer life of people with advancedmelanoma. “

And in the clinical study conducted with 649 patients, there was actually to increase the survival of them in about 10 months.

Why is effective against skin cancer?

But how exactly to be as effective?

The drug essentially stops the action of a protein active in melanoma, the CTLA-4, which disrupts the immune system and prevents the body fight the cancer.

In this way, makes the body react to the melanoma extending the life of patients.

In any case, the FDA has advised to study each case individually in order to avoid toxic reactions.

In Spain and administering this drug in certain cases (people with distant and unresponsive to chemotherapy).

However, this approval could lead to general approval in our country, allowing this drug without the red tape that must be passed today.

According to the World Health Organization, skin cancer causes 66,000 deaths worldwide each year.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Traceable nanoparticles may be the next weapon in cancer treatment

Small particles loaded with medicine could be a future weapon for cancer treatment.

A recently published study shows how nanoparticles can be formed to efficiently carry cancer drugs to tumor cells.

And because the particles can be seen in Mri images, they are traceable.

Both therapeutic and diagnostic in function, the so-called "theranostic" particles were developed by a team including Kth Professor Eva Malmström-Jonsson, from the school of Chemical Science, as well as researchers at sweden's Chalmer's University and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

Malmström-Jonsson says that the particles, which the team developed for breast cancer treatment, are biodegradable and non-toxic.

Their research was published in the science journal Particle & Particle Systems Characterization.

The study resulted in a method to make nanoparticles spontaneously build themselves up with tailored macromolecules.

The formation requires a balance between the particle's hydrophilic (capable of dissolving in water) and hydrophobic (not dissolvable in water) parts.

The hydrophobic portion makes it possible to fill the particle with the drug.

A relatively high concentration of the natural isotope 19F (fluorine) makes the particles clearly visible on high-resolution images taken by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

By following the path of theranostic nanoparticles in the body, it is possible to obtain information about how the drug is taken up by the tumor and whether the treatment is working.

Scientists filled nanoparticles with the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (known as chemo), which is used today to treat bladder, lung, ovarian and breast cancer, In experiments on cultured cells, they showed that the particles themselves are not harmful but can effectively kill cancer cells after being loaded with the drug.

The next step is to develop the system to target tumors that are difficult to treat with chemotherapy, such as brain tumors, pancreatic cancer, and drug-resistant breast cancer tumors.

"By targeting groups on the surface, or by changing the size or introducing ionic groups on our nanoparticles, one can increase the selective uptake in these tumors," says Andreas Nystrom, an associate professor of nanomedicine at the Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center and Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute.

In the long term, research can result in tailored chemotherapy treatments that seek out tumor cells.

This would enable the toxic drug to be delivered more specifically to the tumor, making the treatment more effective while reducing side effects.

"What we want to do is try to give nanoparticles a homing function on the surface so that the drug is as effective as possible and can be transported to the right place," Malmström-Jonsson says.

The study is funded in part by two grants from the Swedish Research Council to Andreas Nystrom and Eva Malmström-Jonsson.

Malmström-Jonsson and Nystrom are also active in the company Polymer Factory Sweden AB.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Mathematics used to fight cancer

Mathematics is useful for all , and a new research has emerged as a critical tool to increase the efficiency of a type of cancer treatments based on the use of certain viruses .

Researchers at the University of Ottawa in Canada, found suitable strategies using advanced mathematical models to fight cancer with the greatest possible efficiency. 

Mathematics predict how different treatments and genetic modifications could allow oncolytic virus ( virus able to selectively kill cancer cells) overcome the natural defenses that cancer cells use to protect themselves from viral infections.

Oncolytic viruses are cited for their special ability to kill cancer cells without harming healthy . 

Unfortunately , cancer is a very complicated and varied disease, so some of these viruses work well in some circumstances but not in others . 

As a result , much effort has been invested in trying to modify the best possible way these viruses to make them safer , so that never harm healthy tissue while even more effective in killing cancer cells.

Team doctors John C. Bell and Mads Kaern , both from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, used mathematical modeling to develop strategies to make the cancer cells so vulnerable to infection of these viruses as possible , with this result so sought that these viruses efficiently exterminate cancer cells without affecting healthy cells.

By using these mathematical models to predict how each variation in these viruses would affect normal cells and in cancer is feasible , as these researchers have shown , to find "shortcuts" in various lines of research , helping the community to accelerate scientific research and discoveries.

Bell and Kaern established a mathematical model describing a cycle of infection, including how a virus replicates , the cellular defense mechanisms spreads and active. 

From there , these scientists used their knowledge of the key physiological differences between normal and cancer cells to identify how the modification of the virus genome could counteract the antiviral defenses of cancer cells .

The model simulations were remarkably successful , showing the efficiency of viral modifications identified to eradicate cancer in a disease model in mice.

This promising line of research offers many new perspectives. Just have taken the first steps for her to work on a specific type of cancer cells. 

Scientists now investigate other types of malignant tumor cells under the same basic approaches to accelerate progress to help refine by virus attack against cancer cells .