Thursday, August 29, 2019

What you eat affects your heart more than your diet regimen

What you eat affects your heart more than your diet regimen


What you eat affects your heart more than your diet regimen

The results of the OmniHeart trial are in and the clear winner is … HEALTHY FOOD! Indeed, the conclusion of the trial may have come as a bit of an anticlimax to those diehards who swear by one diet or the other, but the results are unambiguous.
The heart is most healthy and least inflamed when one is eating healthy food, including at least four servings of fruits and vegetables a day – whether your diet is built around fats, protein or carbohydrates. The change goes beyond what can be explained by a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol. This clarifies the issue of which of these three macronutrients is important in heart health.

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