Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Covering Indian Country – August 2019

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Covering Indian Country

August: National Immunization Awareness Month

CMS ad. Are your vaccines up to date? Immunizations give kids and adults their best shot at health. And vaccinations are covered as free preventive care under insurance. Learn more at healthcare.gov or talk to your Indian health provider. HealthCare.gov
Share this ad in your newsletter or on your website. Other sizes are available on CMS’s Outreach and Education Resources page.

Public service announcements

Share these informational audio clips and videos on your local radio station, website, and Facebook page.
TwitterTweet it
#Immunizations give kids and adults their best shot at health. Are your vaccines up to date?

Flyers and fact sheets

A collage of 1 flyer and 2 fact sheets: (1) My Health--Children's and Adult Vaccinations (2) Healthy Students, Promising Futures: School-Based Health for Indian Country (3) Off to College: Don't Forget Your Health Care
Download these resources or order copies on the Tribal Products Ordering Page. Please allow 2 weeks for your order to be completed.

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