Sunday, September 27, 2020

Homeopathy in the treatment of cancer

Homeopathy is a sub-system of natural health care in which extreme dilutions of substances from nature are used to stimulate a healing response. 

The basic principle of homeopathy is that substances that elicit a particular symptom picture in their physical form (for example onion causing itchy watery eyes and a runny nose with discharge that burns) can be used in a diluted form to stimulate the healing of the same set of symptoms.

Using this principle, a homeopath working with an individual that suffers from allergies (with the specific symptoms of watery itchy eyes and a runny nose with discharge that burns) might select homeopathic onion. 

Homeopathic pharmaceutical companies prepare homeopathic dilutions according to FDA guidelines. 

Once completed, the diluted substances are called “remedies”.  

Most remedies are derived from plants (such as Belladonna or Pulsatilla), and minerals (such as Phosphorous and Silica). 

A smaller portion are derived from animal substances (such as dog’s milk or dolphin’s milk). Remedy symptom pictures are derived from research studies called “provings”. 

Once completed, proving information is recorded in homeopathic materia medicas (large reference books), and homeopathic material medica software. 

The role of a professional homeopath is to understand the symptom pictures of a large number of remedies, and then to be able to select the remedy that most closely matches the symptom picture of the patient. (This is called the similimum.) 

When this match is achieved that is, the symptom picture of the remedy matches the symptom picture of the individual suffering from a disease pattern the individual’s innate healing ability is activated and healing occurs. 

Are there research studies in homeopathy? 

Yes, there are a significant number of studies completed in the US and Europe on various aspects of homeopathy. 

The web-site for the National Center for Homeopathy gives an excellent overview of a sampling of these studies. 

How does a homeopathic remedy stimulate healing? 

There is a lot of research directed at answering this question from a technical perspective. 

The book Homeopathy, Frontiers in Medical Science gives a wonderful overview of theories that are being considered and investigated. 

It includes a discussion of research on the ability of water molecules to hold memory, and an overview of principles in quantum physics, information systems theory and chaos theory and how these areas apply to the energy medicine paradigm. 

Homeopathic professionals generally answer this question by explaining that homeopathic remedies cause an action-reaction response within the immune system. 

The remedy pushes the disease process in one direction and the immune system rebounds back in the opposite direction, stimulating the healing process. 

In my practice, my experience has been that well selected homeopathic remedies assist the body wisdom of the individual in focusing on the root cause of the disease pattern. 

Often this means a retrace to the original insult (mental, emotional, and/or physical) which caused the individual to lock into a stress/defense pattern. 

When this happens, we often see the individual reconnect with old thoughts, emotions and physical symptoms that were somehow related to the origin of the chronic symptoms. 

This may take the form of strong memories and emotions coming out during the dream state or waking state, a rethinking of long held beliefs about the individual’s life, and/or acute physical symptoms such as the flaring up of a chronic rash or digestive upset. 

Holistic health professionals call this phase of the healing process a “healing crises” or a “retrace”. Homeopaths call this type of response an “aggravation” of the disease pattern. 

There are different viewpoints in the homeopathic community about the necessity of patients going through an aggravation. 

Many homeopathic professionals believe this is a necessary step in the resolution of any chronic illness and expect it as part of the remedy response. 

When these homeopaths see an aggravation, they are rest assured that the individual’s body wisdom has responded to the remedy and is doing the necessary restructuring to bring about a permanent resolution of the symptoms. 

Others might argue that aggravations are not necessary but that instead they’re a sign that the incorrect remedy was selected, or that it was selected in the wrong potency and/or dosage. 

When the similimum (remedy that best matches the symptom picture of the patient) is selected, the patient is able to get in touch with and process long suppressed memories and emotions with a greater sense of acceptance and grace. 

The physical symptom aggravation is moderate and temporary (e.g. often just an hour or two). 

When a remedy is selected that is close to the similimum (but not the optimal match), or, when the dosage and potency is not optimal, the patient tends to “grip” more  that is, they have greater resistance to the release of toxic thoughts and emotions, feel more threatened by the process, and correspondingly have a more difficult time with the retrace of acute physical symptoms. 

The physical symptom aggravation is more vivid and lasts longer. 

Nevertheless, (in my experience) in cases of deep pathology (such as cancer), most patients have a profound level of resistance to feeling their feelings. 

Usually this is because of a built-in survival mechanism which protects them from feeling feelings which could destablize them and/or be more destructive than the disease itself (e.g. suicidal feelings). 

As a result, patients with deep pathology will tend to either have very moderate reactions to homeopathic remedies (because of the built in protective mechanism), or the remedies will release thoughts, emotions, and memories which are extremely toxic and destabilizing. In either case, there is strong initial resistance to the release process. 

When patients are able to release suppressed toxic emotions (via homeopathy or other means), the optimal scenario is for the patient to work with accompanying practitioners (psychotherapists, counselors, healers, etc). 

Some homeopathic practitioners will provide some support, but often other professionals are needed. 

Typically the fact that the patient is even able to surface the emotions is a sign of mental/emotional/spiritual strength it provides evidence that their body wisdom is convinced that the individual can handle the memories and emotions and still remain safe. 

In other words, desomatization occurs when the memories and emotions somatized in the body are less life threatening to the individual than the disease itself. 

How do homeopathic professionals use homeopathy treat cancer?  

There are several different treatment philosophies and approaches for using homeopathy to treat individuals with cancer. 

Often times practitioners that use homeopathy in the treatment of cancer use a combination of these approaches.  

One approach is to use homeopathic remedies to target the tumors themselves. In this case, the homeopath selects remedies which match the symptom picture of the tumor itself (e.g. Conium Maculatum for hard immovable tumors that develop slowly).    

Homeopaths using this approach might also consider other symptoms (such as the individual’s food cravings, disposition, etc), but their primary focus is to target the tumor and reverse its growth. 

Some physician homeopaths also give remedies at the tumor site itself (in the form of an injection) to more aggressively stimulate a response. 

Another approach is to use homeopathic remedies to assist in healing the patient’s eliminative channels (kidneys, urinary tract, lymphatic system, liver, etc), and strengthen cell detoxification. 

In this case, the homeopath may use drainage remedies. These are low potency combination remedies that are used to target specific systems, or detoxify particular substances (e.g. heavy metals, etc). 

Homeopaths using this approach select the drainage remedy based on an analysis of the case or they may use an electro-dermal diagnostic tool, such as the Quantum machine.

Still another approach is to use homeopathy to address the overall constitution of the patient. In this case (called the classical approach), the homeopath does a complete interview of the patient’s mental, emotional, and physical symptoms and then selects the best match accordingly. 

Often the best selected constitutional remedy will directly affect the tumor. 

By assisting the body in addressing and resolving the energy that underlies the tumor, it can result in complete elimination of the tumor. 

The best selected constitutional remedy can also support drainage and detoxification, although this is not the primary focus of a classical prescriber. 

How effective is homeopathy in the treatment of cancer?

In the US, most alternative health care professionals use homeopathy in combination with other approaches (nutritional and immune system support, diet and detoxification programs, etc), so it’s not typically considered as a primary or stand-alone therapy for cancer. 

However, when used correctly, and in combination with necessary therapies, it can be an amazingly powerful tool for empowering someone to heal themselves of cancer.  

There are many cases in homeopathic literature (from other countries where homeopathy is more commonly used for cancer) in which the correct homeopathic recommendation resulted in the resolution of tumors, reversal of the cancer process, and recovery by the patient. 

Also, homeopathy has an excellent track record in the treatment of animals with cancer and there is much anecdotal evidence that certain remedies (when correctly selected) are effective in reversing the cancer process. 

Much of the success with homeopathy, however, depends on the skill level of the practitioner and the resources of the patient to heal on all levels. 

Specific Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer:

One of the most frequently. recommended homeopathic remedies for cancer is Arsenicum Album.

Arsenicum Album is a primary remedy for cancer and is often recommended for individuals with terminal cancer that are entering into the death process.  

It helps the individual confront and deal with their fear of death feelings of being stuck in limbo, not knowing what lies ahead, not knowing what to expect, feeling terrified of the transition, afraid to let go of their life.  

When used appropriately, it can be a powerful tool for assisting individuals in coming to greater peace about the death process, enabling them to embrace the transition with greater spiritual centeredness. 

Arsenicum Album is also of great value to individuals that have just been diagnosed with cancer and are gripped with profound fear of cancer, fear that they will never get better, fear of death, fear of not having enough money to sustain the treatment, fear of not getting the needed medical care.  

In this state, the individual sees the cancer as being bigger than themselves and bigger than their own ability to heal themselves.  

They feel powerless over the cancer, seeing it as being 100 feet tall and seeing themselves as being very small. 

This is not to say that the fears that come with a cancer diagnosis are not justified, but that these fears in an of themselves severely weaken the immune system of the cancer individual.  

By taking Arsenicum Album (when indicated), it can help the individual reconnect with a greater spiritual center, such that they see themselves and their immune system as being bigger than the cancer. 

Arsenicum album may also be indicated for family members and friends that are gripped with these same types of fears terror that their family member will die, that there are no therapies available, that the situation is out of control, that a new or different doctor is needed, that people are not taking the situation seriously enough.  In these cases, Arsenicum Album can help the individual let go of some of these fears, making it easier for them to affirm the ability of their friend or family member to heal themselves. 

On a physical level, Arsenicum Album helps the body release fear and tension held in the kidneys, adrenals, and nervous system.  

This sometimes correlates with the detoxification of the heavy metal arsenic from these areas as well. 

In some cases, Arsenicum Album can be instrumental in actually turning the cancer around, arresting tumor growth and empowering the individual’s immune system to turn the disease around. 

Some of the physical symptoms that are included in the profile of an individual needing Arsenicum Album are: 

Burning pains, better with heat (this is specific to arsenicum album for the majority of other homeopathic remedies indicated for burning pains, the pain is better with cold application.  is one of the few remedies in which the pain is better with heat.) 

Burning pains, felt deep within the body, burning pain in the bones, the nervous system, the digestive tract, etc.
Neck stiffness
Craves sour foods and drinks
Cold hands and feet, ice cold feeling, lack of body heat
Itchy scalp
Eczema, especially on the hands and on the scalp
Key mental/emotional symptoms associated with Arsenicum Album include:
Fear of death, disease, cancer
Survival issues
Despair of recovery
Fear of poverty, that there is not enough money to support oneself, that the insurance company is being stingy, that everywhere one goes there is not enough
Perfectionism, fear of making a mistake which will be severely detrimental to one’s health and/or financial situation
Obsessive/compulsive, rigid behavior, ritualistic, the tremendous fear drives the individual to a strict adherence to a protocol or routine, the feeling is that if they divert from this routine, they will not survive physically and/or financially

Are there in risks in using homeopathy?  

Homeopathic remedies, in and of themselves, are extremely safe and have no harmful side-effects. 

The real risk in using homeopathy is when you use it at the exclusion of other needed therapies, and/or diagnostic tests.  

As with any therapy or approach, its best to use a synergistic approach so that therapies can work together. 

Also, if you have a cancer diagnosis, be sure that you’re working with a practitioner who is using homeopathy aggressively enough for your situation. 

Another thing to consider is that sometimes the healing response caused by a homeopathic remedy can be strong enough to bring on a “healing crises”. 

This might mean a fever, the release of strong emotions (e.g. fear, anger, anxiousness), or possibly detoxification symptoms (diarrhea, mild headache, rash, etc). 

These types of reactions are temporary and not harmful in and of themselves – but, it’s wise to be under the care of a licensed physician to evaluate what’s going on – just in case the symptoms are related to something else. 

One danger is ignoring noteworthy symptoms because you think they’re just part of a healing crises. Another danger is overreacting to symptoms, seeking medical care, and then receiving medications which further complicate your situation (e.g. pain killers, anti-depressants, etc). 

To avoid confusion, make sure you’re working with a homeopathic practitioner that has experience in managing remedy reactions and can discern if merging symptoms are related to your healing process, or if you need to pursue further medical testing and treatment. 

In my own private practice, my experience has been that the healing crises that people go through with homeopathy are usually related to the hysteria that comes from the “unknown”, and not so much the remedy itself. 

With good communication and education, people are more able to relax and walk through the healing process more gracefully.

About Homeopathic Professionals

Homeopathic practitioners come in the form of MD-homeopaths, Naturopaths that include homeopathy in their practice, Acupuncturists and Chiropractors that have post-graduate training in homeopathy, and professional homeopaths (individuals that are not licensed in any other profession, but have training in homeopathy). 

Each group has their own examination board and certification process for homeopathy. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Eating fruits

Something to think about

Dr. Stephen Mark said that cancer patients treated with highly unorthodox methods and many of them have recovered.

He believes in natural cures diseases of the body.

Fruits and juices offer strategies to cure cancer.

In what had happened lately, my success in curing cancer approaches 80%.

Cancer patients should not die because the cure for cancer has been found.

It is whether you believe it or not.

I'm sorry for the hundreds of cancer patients who die under conventional treatments.

May God bless you.

Dr Stephen Mark

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cut them and put them into our mouths.
It's not as easy as you think.
It is important to know how and when to eat them.

What is the proper way to eat fruit?



If you eat the fruit in this way, this same play a major role to detoxify their systems, providing high energy, will help with weight loss and many other activities in their daily lives.


Let's say you eat two slices of bread and a fruit.
Slice the fruit is ready to pass directly through the stomach and intestines, but it is because the bread can not.

At the same time the entire meal breaks, it ferments and becomes acid.
The minute the fruit comes into contact with food and digestive juices in the stomach, the entire mass of food begins to spoil ....

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals!

Have you heard many people complain that every time they eat watermelon burp, or that when they eat the stomach swells tremendously duraznos.el, or eat a banana when urge to run to the bathroom, etc.. 

Actually, all this would not arise if you eat fruit on an empty stomach.

The fruit is mixed with the intake of foods that are being transformed and produces gas and hence you will feel bloated!

Gray hair, hair loss, nervous breakdowns and dark circles under the eyes ... all these will not happen if you eat fruit on an empty stomach.

According to Dr. Herbert Shelton who launched an investigation into this matter, one should not think that some fruits (orange, lemon, etc..) 

Are acidic because all fruits become alkaline in our bodies.

If you come to master the proper way to eat fruits and then got the secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, weight control, and consequently of happiness.

When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, canned or bottled juice NO.

Never drink any juice that has been heated. 

Do not eat cooked fruits because you will not benefit from the nutrients .. just feel its taste.

Cooking fruits destroys all the vitamins.

Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking juice. 

If you felt you should drink the juice, drink it slowly slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before passing.

You can quickly clean their bodies with 3 days of eating only fruits.

Just eat fruits and drink juice for 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell them how radiant you look!

KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

An apple a day may keep the doctor away. Although an apple has a low content of vitamin C, contains antioxidants that increase the activity of vitamin C in such a way that helps lower the risk of colon cancer, heart attack and cardiac arrest.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits and protect the body from obstructions of blood vessels that are the biggest reason why the cancer shrinks.

ORANGE: Sweetest medicine. Consume 2 to 4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevents and dissolves the stones that may have formed in the kidneys and decrease the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Coolest extinguisher thirst. Composed of 92% water also has a tremendous dose of glutathione which helps boost our immune system.
It is also the main source of lycopene which is the oxidant that fights cancer. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C and potassium.

Guava and papaya:
The best carriers of vitamin C. These are the undisputed winners from all the fruit for its high content of vitamin C.

Guava is also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.

Papaya is rich in carotene which is great for our eyes.

Drinking cold water during a meal = Cancer!

Can you believe it?

For those who love to drink cold water, this article applies to you.

It's nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal, but cold water will solidify the oily matter which you have just consumed.

Slows digestion.

Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it decomposes and is absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food.

Lining the intestine.

Then becomes the fats that lead to cancer.

It's much better to drink hot soup or a cup with hot water after eating.


Women should not always know every symptom of heart attack is going to be painful left arm.

Beware of severe pain in the jaw.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.

Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.

Sixty percent of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.

Pain in the jaw can wake them from deep sleep.

Let's be careful and be aware.

The more we know, the better your chance of surviving

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New blood test could detect cancer

Investigations of this method takes a team of scientists at Ben-Gurion University and Soroka Medical Center in Israel.

The new method, which is still in development would facilitate the diagnosis of cancer in its early stages through an infrared device that radiates the fluid.

The irradiation results show the presence of malignant cells, that during the initial stages of the disease are affected organs separated from reaching the bloodstream.

Through a simple blood test could diagnose cancer in its early stages in order to apply the respective treatment.

One of the advantages of the new method is the ease with which the research is conducted, which will extend its use to a large number of medical centers and hospitals.

The first clinical trials, which included more than 200 volunteers with lung cancer and ovarian cancer, were successful: in 90% of cases the diagnosis was correct.

The goal is to expand the area of ​​use of the device for diagnosing an increased number of cancers.
What nobody tells you about cancer tests

If these tests can find cancer early, why some experts say that sometimes cause more harm than good?

Read this before you make your next mammogram, PSA measurement or colonoscopy.

Suzanne Bull was always afraid of getting cancer.

In part, his fear was because he lived in Marin County (California), where the incidence of breast cancer is one of the largest in the United States.

He was so determined to avoid that ate well, exercised and each year was a mammogram.

In 2008, at age 54, received the news he feared most: an ultrasensitive digital mammogram showed a suspicious lump in her left breast and a biopsy confirmed it was malignant.

Luckily, the surgeon said, had discovered in time: it was a ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), that is, cancer still limited inside a milk duct, and according to the doctor maybe stay there because no DCIS often becomes invasive.

Everything sounded good, Suzanne account until the specialist said there was no way of knowing whether the tumor was of the type that evolves slow, safe, or invasive.

Prescribed surgical removal of the breast lump, and also advised to undergo radiation therapy and treatment with the drug tamoxifen.

After two weeks of anguish, Suzanne decided on surgery and radiotherapy.

"I had to do what he could to stop the disease," he says.

Today, after two normal mammograms, feels very fortunate: "I am glad to have had access to digital mammography, because cancer detected much earlier."

Incredibly, some researchers believe that Suzanne had no luck.

According to them, annual mammography is much less effective than they usually believe women to reduce the risk of death from breast cancer, and often leads to unnecessary treatment, especially in the case of DCIS.

As for the measurement of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in men, these researchers say it may be more harmful than helpful in men without symptoms of prostate cancer.

And other common means of cancer detection will inspire the same confidence.

This view differs markedly from the campaigns of the American Society for Cancer Control (SELC) and even the federal government of that country, according to which detect and treat malignant tumors as soon as possible is the most effective way to prevent deaths cancer.

Still, are increasingly dissident scientists (members of prestigious institutions, authors of studies in respected medical journals) for whom it is time to rethink our approach to cancer diagnosis.

So I believe that screening studies reveal many small cancers that would never cause discomfort.

"The consequence is that cancer is diagnosed tens of thousands of patients never develop the disease," says Dr. H. Gilbert Welch, a specialist in cancer diagnosis and codirector of the Outcomes Study Group Medical Center Veterans Administration in Vermont.

"Issued diagnosis, most people treated, and we know that it can hurt."

Tamoxifen, used for breast cancer, promotes clot formation in the lungs and remove operations for prostate cancer cause impotence in 60 percent of cases.

Screening tests themselves have risks: up to 0.5 percent of those who undergo a colonoscopy suffer serious complications such as bleeding and perforation of the colon.

Most people who are diagnosed with cancer definitely see these risks in the price you pay for not dying from the disease.

"The reality is not so simple," says Welch.

The diagnostics are very effective to reveal tumors that would never bother us, but not in time to discover the most lethal cancers and faster development.

"The power of diagnostic studies to reduce the risk of death has been exaggerated," said Dr. Floyd Fowler, president of the Foundation for Informed Decision Making in Health, a nonprofit organization in Boston.

How to fool cancer tests

The idea that testing can be useless or, worse, harmful, maybe you think nonsense: after all, smaller cancers are easier to remove, carry less risk of spread to other parts of the body, and this spread (metastasis) depends largely malignancy.

It is certainly possible that a localized tumor mate: the brain, for example, can wreak havoc if they grow healthy tissue compressed against the skull.

Still, most life-threatening cancers only when some cells break off and travel through the blood or lymph to another part of the body.

When this occurs, removal of the tumor and no cure, and no more aggressive chemotherapy can kill malignant cells wandering.

Doctors believed that a tumor must reach a certain size before they can metastasize, but today we know that is not always true, said Dr. Barnett S. Kramer, associate director for disease prevention at the National Institutes of Health in the United States.

"Some tumors spread quickly," when they consist of a few million cells; seem much, but at this stage are less than the end point of this paragraph, undersized for detecting most of the diagnostic tests.

Once you grow enough to appear on a test, and have spread.

The reverse of the coin is that many trials will never reveal cancers that discomfort and can be left untreated.

This contradicts almost everything we thought we knew the cancer, Kramer explains, because our knowledge is based on serious tumors.

If you compare the wide variety of cancers with an iceberg, causing the symptoms represent only the portion above water, and for most of history were the only ones who learned something.

Diagnostic studies allow us to see underwater and discover even asymptomatic tumors.

We assume that eventually causing symptoms, but there is increasing evidence that not always the case.

For example, in autopsies on American women of all ages who died from causes other than breast cancer, found that nearly nine percent had undiagnosed DCIS.

In Denmark, where mammography is not as common, autopsies midlife women revealed that 39 percent had breast cancer undetected.

A 1989 study, Welch added, showed that 60 percent of men over 60 have prostate cancer without knowing it, but only three percent of male mortality due to this cause.

Therefore, screening for cancers give alarm or otherwise unimportant to heal alone (since there spontaneously disappear).

It was suspected that Brandon Connor, now seven years old, had cancer before birth.

The pregnancy was difficult and his mother, Kristin, a lawyer for 35 years in Atlanta, was subject to frequent ultrasounds.

One of them revealed what looked like a tumor in the fetal spine.

The tentative diagnosis was neuroblastoma, a cancer of the nervous system.

Neuroblastoma can be of two types, one fatal, but without a biopsy (very risky under the circumstances) it was impossible to know whether it was this cancer, and less of what type.

The Connor chose to see if the tumor grew.

Physicians predicted that, in the best case, be reduced during the first year of life of children. Not so.

After two years since Brandon had undergone more than 12 MRIs.

Eventually the doctors advised the intervention Connor, but the day before the operation the surgeon asked one last scan, and neuroblastoma had disappeared.

"We could not believe it," says Kristin. 

Today doctors know that many neuroblastomas heal spontaneously in the first years of life.

"People told us we gave thanks to God that ultrasound would have detected," says Kristin, but remembering the years of anguish clarifies: "In retrospect, it seems rather a curse."

Side effects of diagnosis

Leave aside the fact that cancer treatment is an unnecessary expense.

"Many oncologists know that some of his patients have suffered serious side effects and even died because of a treatment that may not be needed," says Dr. William C. Black, professor of radiology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Certainly no one intentionally prescribe unnecessary treatments, but as is often difficult to determine whether or not a patient requires care, we prefer to err on before default.

Take the case of George Brown, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008, when he was 75 and still practiced as a lawyer in Denver.

Your doctor prescribed Lupron to block the secretion of testosterone, a hormone that many prostate cancers need to grow.

"I did not know that the Lupron is a chemical castration" he recalls. '

I fell into extreme depression, I came bouts of cold and heat, crying for everything. "

Radiation damaged her rectum and urinary and fecal incontinence occurred.

Soon you will have to take another testosterone blocker.

Nevertheless, Brown believes that treatment saved his life, which unfortunately can not be confirmed in cases such as yours.

The truth is that most men who are diagnosed with this cancer are subjected to invasive treatments, although statistics indicate that many could safely opt for a "watchful waiting": observe the evolution of cancer Ape measurements, and treat only if it starts to grow rapidly.

Diagnosis saves lives?

For many people, even serious side effects such as those suffered Brown would be worth if the risk of dying from cancer was reduced: do not forget that this is the purpose of testing.

However, only the Pap ever has. According to the SELC, between 1955 and 1992 this test fell 74 percent mortality from cervical cancer, which has continued to decline from year to year.

No other test has achieved so much.

It is unclear whether the measurement of Ape has significantly reduced mortality from prostate cancer.

Between 1975 and 2005 (latest year for which figures are available), mortality decreased from 31 to 24.6 per 100,000 men.

Although a significant drop, many experts doubt be attributed entirely to the test, especially if one considers the result of a "natural experiment" occurred in Seattle (Washington), and in the state of Connecticut in the late eighties.

Between 1988 and 1990 Medicare patients in Seattle turned five times more than those of Connecticut Ape measurement, and also underwent most to surgery and radiotherapy for prostate cancer.

However, a follow-up to 1997 conducted revealed that prostate cancer mortality was equal in both groups.

"Measuring your APE seems sensible, but it is ineffective," said Dr. Nortin M. Hadler, professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina and author of a book on overtreatment.

The use of mammography is also lower than assumed many patients and many physicians.

Although its effectiveness has been hotly debated, a careful analysis in 2005 indicated that only reduced by 15 percent mortality from breast cancer, says Kramer.

In other words, a woman of 60 who have a mammogram every year reduced from 0.7 to 0.6 percent their risk of dying from this cancer in the next decade.

Colonoscopy (colon observation with an endoscope) also allows the doctor to remove polyps (growths that can become cancerous) it finds.

The most favorable calculations indicate that this technique reduces mortality from colon cancer by up to 60 percent, but do not know for sure for lack of study.

The reduction seems huge, until you consider that the risk of dying from colorectal cancer is quite small: in women, 2.1 percent, and 2.3 percent in men.

Reduce by 60 percent the risk of 2.3 percent means that it decreases to 0.9 percent: an undeniable benefit, but perhaps not large enough to offset the disadvantages.

Tests done or not?

The answer depends on many factors, including your age, do you suffer diseases and health aspect of what you value most.

Dr. Dennis Fryback committee comprised of the United States Preventive Services, an expert panel convened by the government of that country to issue recommendations on screening tests.

Although the committee advises people aged 50 to 75 years performed a colonoscopy every 10 years, Fryback, 61, believes that if the test is unnecessary.

Review and, among other things, because he has no family history of colon cancer. If it did, your risk of suffering would be greater, as is your chance to benefit from the test.

He also knows that to have this test must take laxatives during the previous day to clean the colon, the procedure poses the risk of perforation, and that this risk increases with age.

Fryback weighed the potential reduction in the risk of dying from colon cancer, and other diseases.

In 2008 he suffered a heart attack and dies of suspected heart before a colon polyp might threaten his life.

For him, colonoscopy is "a very expensive lottery ticket.

Maybe earn some time, but most likely will not win anything. "

By analyzing your chances, Fryback has the advantage of being an expert in making medical decisions.

Laymen know much less health statistics, but there are documents (brochures, videos, interactive Internet programs and other support for the patient's decision-making) that can help us choose the most convenient option.

Some include interviews with cancer survivors and people considering whether to undergo screening.

Using aids decision making has not been widespread, but some medical centers and insurers and offer.

Suzanne Bull turned to one form of DVD before deciding to undergo radiation therapy for breast cancer. "Show me much good," he says.

Researchers and doctors hope to develop better screening tests, able to distinguish between cancers that should be treated and those not.

Meanwhile, say, the decision to undergo studies should be based on the values ​​of the person and their ability to cope with uncertainty.

"We are more afraid of dying of a disease that doctors too scrupulous hands," concluded Black.

To submit to testing we run two risks.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Cancer Cure Diet

A cancer cure diet does exist.

At least it will for a lot of sufferers of the terrible scourge.

It's often goes on the name of "raw food diet," or "living food diet.

" And it works wonders among many who apply the growing body of evidence that a diet comprising all (or mostly raw foods) can help the body heal itself.

The medical community as a whole still rejects this idea. I've assume this rejection has to with reasons such as professional pride, business/profit ties to industries such as the pharmaceutical market, and a "cultural consensus" embedded within the medical community itself.

For example, most doctors immediately prescribe drugs when treating chronic disease.

Such treatment is firmly established as protocol within the medical community, not because it's effective, but because this how the practice of medicine has evolved.

For most physicians, prescribing drugs to fight illnesses, including cancer and chronic diseases, is as natural as the air they breathe.

This is an incredibly difficult mindset to question or challenge, especially for the sick person who is currently battling illness, hasn't gone to medical school, and is largely unknowledgeable about alternative health approaches.

More individuals are discovering, however, the nutritional approach for defeating disease.

Does this mean patients should always shun medical doctors? Of course not.

Does the nutritional path "always" work? No, of course not.

But nutrition is often a far better route to health than simply filling one's body with toxic drugs in order to simply mask any symptoms of illness ... or kill healthy cells, right along with unwanted cancer cells.

So what does a cancer cure diet look like?

Cancer is a disease that is very much associated with pH level in the body.

The less "alkaline" the pH level is the more likely cancerous cell mutations will thrive.

But the more a body attains an alkaline pH level, the less likely cancerous cells can survive.

The notion a certain diet can affect alkalinity in the body is dismissed by many doctors.

One even went so far as to write an article about this concept on the "Quackwatch" website:

"You should not believe that it matters whether foods are acidic or alkaline, because no foods change the acidity of anything in your body except your urine.

Your stomach is so acidic that no food can change its acidity. ...

Dietary modification cannot change the acidity of any part of your body except your urine." - 1

But one research scientist countered on his website with the following response, "I would suggest [name of doctor refer to the following books: 1) Understanding Acid-Base, by Benjamin Abelow, M.D., lecturer in Medicine at Yale School of Medicine, and 2) Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and..., by Burton David Rose, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Theodore W. Post, MD, Deputy editor, Nephrology.

It is apparent that [name of doctor doesn't have an understanding of endogenous acid production, which includes, gastrointestinal acid production, respiratory acid production, cellular degeneration acid production and finally metabolic acid production.

His statement that, "you should not believe that it matters whether foods are acidic or alkaline, because no foods change the acidity of anything in your body except your urine," is a statement of pure ignorance on the subject!" - 2

In my own reading I've discovered many of the natural substances in plant foods (along with their nutritional benefits to the human body) haven't really been discovered yet.

This fact, combined with the reality that human physiology is incredibly complex, means there are a great many things physicians and clinical researches do not yet know about the benefits of eating a mostly raw, plant-based diet.

So while the massive amounts of clinical data skeptical doctors keep demanding may not yet exist, they should at least admit that time and experience may yet turn the tables of opinion.

The benefits of a plant-based diet in relation to bodily self-healing are hinted at in the experiences of tens (or even hundreds) of thousands all around the world.

After switching to a mostly raw, plant-based diet their diseases simply went away.

For most of these individuals, it didn't happen right away. But it did happen.

A diet rich in mostly raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and freshly made vegetable juices and green smoothies can bring about pH changes within a body's tissues and bones.

This would be one reason why those who turn to such a diet often see cancer disappear.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Cancer treatment by means of Aloe Vera

Cancer can be cured, at least in many cases.

So it has been shown many times in many places, in different nations, with surprising cures.

This is a treatment that offers a Brazilian Franciscan friar.

It's so simple it may seem almost ridiculous, however, has been upheld many times in fact.

No one would pay the slightest faith in the proposition of such treatment, except for the undeniability so many facts.

As has been spreading his knowledge and the evidence of its effectiveness are quite a few doctors, some of them specifically dedicated to the cure for cancer, who have an interest in him.

After finding success also interested in study and understand better.

Will this treatment cure all kinds of cancer? It is not known. 

What types of cancer cure that?

It is not known. We only know that there have been healings of many kinds of cancer: skin cancer, throat, breast, uterine, prostate, brain, liver, intestine, leukemia, etc.. Even in people with diabetes.

Is it a definitive cure?

In many cases the cure of cancer has been definitive.

Sometimes the cancer, after being cured, has come back again.

You can repeat the treatment again effectively.

When not yet have cancer treatment can prevent or avoid for a year. 

This treatment can always be done at any stage of cancer.

Of course it is better if treatment is started early.

But even if the cancer is old and even when it seems hopeless in the eyes of all, many times the treatment has worked.
This treatment can be done simultaneously with any other cure for cancer, such as chemotherapy, does not hinder the effectiveness of other cure.

Medical Control

Very important : finding whether this treatment has cured or not the cancer can not be determined by mere subjective impressions.

It requires an objective knowledge, which can only be obtained through medical tests.

So you have to use them both before starting treatment (to find out how much cancer is) and after starting treatment once (to see if the cancer progresses further, or has already stabilized or decreased, or stopped exist).

Only the results of these controls can determine with certainty the stage of cancer and the feelings of improvement may feel sick.

Indeed it is common for this treatment occurs early in the patient a certain feeling of wellbeing and improvement.

But these symptoms do not constitute any indication that the cancer is really cured. It is dangerous, as being guided by those feelings.

Treatment involves making a syrup is made from the plant called <>. Their leaves are tough and thorny edges.

Its interior is slimy contents.

It tastes very bitter.

Its Spanish name is aloe vera, vera atzavara in Catalan and Portuguese erva slug.

It grows in very dry regions.

The syrup is made with the following item:

Preparation :

Two large sheets (or more or less small) of the plant, which are neither too old nor too young (total weight about 300 grams).

After washing (to remove dust), removing the thorns from the edge and trim their edges slightly.

Half a kilo of honey.

Seven or eight tablespoons of brandy or whiskey (in other recipes are given only 3 or 4 tablespoons.

Skip all for a mixer for a minute or two.

It will be a sort of creamy drink.

Its flavor is slightly strange, but tastes bad.

The syrup formed by the indicated amounts of these elements constitutes a treatment unit.


Before taking it to shake the bottle (to mix well the various components).

Take a spoonful of the syrup three times a day: morning, noon and dinner from fifteen minutes to half an hour before taking any food.

The amount of the preparations indicated can last about ten days.

Do not stop taking the treatment unit until its total consumption (although it seems that there are signs of improvement).

Duration of the treatment :

Previously noted the importance of medical checks.

Ideally, though for various reasons not always possible, it would make a first analysis of how cancer has before starting treatment, and another test after each treatment unit that is about two weeks.

After each treatment unit, fit five hypotheses:

1) Cancer keeps growing: there is still no sign of healing.

Take another treatment unit.

2) After taking two units of treatment, the cancer is growing. Doubling the dose.

So. Take the syrup as before, morning, noon and dinner but this time, two tablespoons in one. And once again, if necessary, until the cancer stops growing.

3) Cancer is no longer growing, it has stopped: a good sign. Take a new treatment unit normal.

That is, if they had doubled the dose before re-taking one teaspoon morning, noon and dinner.

4) reduces cancer: very good sign. Make a new treatment for ten days, and repeat if necessary until it disappears altogether.

5) Cancer has disappeared.

They are very common cases where one unit was sufficient treatment for cancer has been removed.

Then you can do two things: either permanently cease treatment, or take still a new treatment unit, as prevention for at least one year as stated.

But unfortunately you can not always get them to do to all those controls of a cancer in the ideal times to just indicated, just before the start of treatment and after the making of each treatment unit.

Then there is no other choice but to wait and adapt to the rhythms of control that doctors provide.

As these controls can only say with certainty the degree of healing achieved, will have to be yourself you have to repeat the treatment, according to the degree of cancer detected by the available controls.

When taken several treatment units between taking a drive and the following must always keep an interval of seven days, because the plant is somewhat toxic.

These interruptions, making repeated this treatment never do harm.

For this reason, where you can not have medical checks in ideal conditions, not in any danger with repetition of treatment even if it was not longer necessary, because as stated above, there is nothing to fear retreatment is indicated with the weekly uninterrupted.

Note :

It is recommended as much as possible refrain from eating meat during treatment.

Eat more vegetables and fruit.

Taking meat may slow the effect of treatment but, anyway, the treatment would ultimately prevail.

Finally, as stated above, you can take one unit of treatment even if they do not have any symptoms of cancer, as a simple prevention.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Spices and their antioxidant properties, spices that prevent and cure cancer

A selection of spices can avert the multiplying of malignant cells in the body that gradually mature into insurmountable cancer cells.

Spices like turmeric and saffron are inherent with medicinal properties that, when incorporated to our diet from an early stage strengthens our bodies against invasion of toxins, bacteria and viruses.

A conscious effort has been made in the scientific community to provide information about the amount of spices needed to bring about a response and thus their physiological relevance. 

Although the health attributes associated with spice use may arise from their antioxidant properties, their biological effects may arise from their ability to induce changes in a number of cellular processes, including those involved with drug metabolism, cell division, apoptosis, differentiation, and immunocompetence.

The complexity of understanding the biological response to spices first surfaces in the criteria used to distinguish what constitutes a culinary spice and how they differ from culinary herbs. 

These terms are often used interchangeably in the scientific and lay literature. 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines a spice as an “aromatic vegetable substance, in the whole, broken, or ground form,” whose significant function in food is “seasoning rather than nutrition” and from which “no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed”.

While this is a viable definition, it does not consider the biological consequences of consuming these items and how they differ from herbs. 

The U.S. National Arboretum offers an alternative definition and describes spices as “flavorings (often of tropical origin) that are dried and culinary herbs that are fresh or dried leaves from plants which can be used for flavoring purposes in food preparation” (United States National Arboretum 2.002). 

We must remember that the quantity of an item consumed does not dictate its importance. Thus, to avoid the health significance in any definition would appear flawed.

Three types of biomarkers exposure, effect, and susceptibility are needed to evaluate the effects of spices in cancer prevention and therapy.

Additional information about the amounts of specific spices required to bring about a response (effect) and the interactions of spices with other constituents of the diet, microbes in the gastrointestinal tract, environmental exposures, and human genetics (susceptibility factors) will be needed to unravel the true benefits of adding spices to the diet.

Spices may be a key to determining the balance between pro- and anticancer factors that regulate risk and tumor behavior. 

About 75% of households use dietary approaches to reduce their risk of diseases, including cancer. 

People between the ages of 36 and 55 are increasingly interested in adopting healthy eating behaviors and are gravitating toward ethnic cuisines based on perceived health benefits. 

Many of these ethnic foods are loaded with unique and flavorful spices; however, while dietary guidelines in several countries tend to support the incorporation of spices into diets, quantifiable recommendations for specific amounts have not yet been forthcoming.

Multiple factors may influence the need for spices for reducing the risk of cancer or changing the biological behavior of cancerous cells.

Between 1.970 and 2.005, the overall per capita consumption of spices in the United States doubled, increasing from about 1.6 to 3.3 pounds per year (United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, 2.007). 

As expected, the consumption of some spices increased far more than others; for example, garlic consumption increased more than sixfold.

The ability of spices to serve as inhibitors of carcinogen bioactivation, decrease free radical formation, suppress cell division and promote apoptosis in cancerous cells, suppress microbial growth, and regulate inflammation and immunocompetence will be discussed as plausible mechanisms by which selected spices may promote health and disease resistance. 

The low toxicity and wide acceptance of spices may make them particularly useful as a subtle personal dietary change that may decrease risk for several diseases.

Multiple cancer related processes may account for the ability of spices to inhibit experimentally induced cancers. 

While these processes are likely critical for determining the risk of cancer and tumor behavior in humans, only limited clinical evidence exists that spices in physiological relevant exposures can alter one or more of these process.

Powerful Spices Proven To Prevent and Treat Cancer

Allspice : the term “allspice” was coined in the 1.600s by the English, who thought the herb combined the flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. 

Allspice is also referred to as “Jamaica pepper,” “kurundu,” “myrtle pepper,” “pimenta,” and “newspice.” 

Ground allspice is not a mixture of spices as some still believe, but arises from the dried unripe berries of the tree Pimenta dioica. 

This tree is native to the Greater Antilles, southern Mexico, and Central America. 

Today, P. dioica is cultivated in many warm areas throughout the world. Allspice is also available commercially as an essential oil.

Allspice possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, anticancer, and antitumorigenic properties (Rompelberg et al. 1.996; Al-Rehaily et al. 2.002; Kluth et al. 2.007). 

It contains a multitude of potential bioactive agents that may contribute to health promotion, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, catechins, and several phenylpropanoids.

The anticancer properties of allspice may be in part due to its ability to influence cytochrome P450 (CYP) activity and thereby influence carcinogen bioactivation. 

Kluth et al. (2.007) cultured human liver carcinoma cells and human colon adenocarcinoma cells and studied the ability of the spice extract to activate mechanisms related to detoxification enzymes. 

Basil : (Ocimum basilicum) is a culinary herb prominently featured in Italian and Southeast Asian cuisines. 

While many varieties of basil exist, sweet basil is one of the most predominant and most frequently examined herbs for its health benefits. 

Basil is originally native to Iran, India, and other tropical regions of Asia, but now it is widely available throughout the world. Basil’s antioxidant, antimutagenic, antitumorigenic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties likely arise from a variety of components including linalool, 1,8-cineole, estragole, and eugenol (Muller et al. 1.994; Chiang et al. 2.005; Makri and Kintzios 2.007).

There is evidence that basil can decrease induced carcinogenesis. 

Providing Swiss mice with a diet containing 150 or 300 mg/kg body weight of basil extract decreased Dmba induced skin tumors (12.5% reduction and 18.75% reduction for lower and higher doses, respectively), and lowered the tumor burden per mouse. 

Compared to the average number of tumors per mouse in the controls, the tumor burden was approximately 2.4 times lower in the low-dose basil group and 4.6 times lower in the high-dose basil group (Dasgupta, Rao, and Yadava 2.004). 

The anticancer properties of basil may also relate to its ability to influence viral infections. Individuals with hepatitis B are recognized to be at increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (Fung, Lai, and Yuen 2.009; Ishikawa 2.010). 

Chiang et al. (2.005) evaluated the antiviral activities of basil extract and selected basil constituents in a human skin basal cell carcinoma cell line against several viruses, including hepatitis B. 

Caraway : (Carum carvi), also known as “meridian fennel” or “Persian cumin,” is native to western Asia, Europe, and northern Africa. 

Recently, Kapoor et al. (2.010) showed that caraway essential oil and oleoresins were progressively effectively with dose as antioxidants and more effective than commercial butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene. 

Schwaireb (1.993) examined dietary caraway oil for its effects on skin tumors induced by Dmba and croton oil in female mice. 

The number of carcinomas in those animals provided with caraway oil were significantly less than in the controls.

Caraway may also influence carcinogen activation by its ability to modify carcinogen bioactivation. 

Overall, changes in both phase I and II enzymes are consistent with the ability of caraway and its active constituent to lower chemically induced cancers. 

Cardamom : refers to herbs within the Elettaria (green) and Amomum (black) genera of the ginger family. 

Cardamom is a common ingredient used in Indian cooking and in various parts of Europe. 

As with many spices, cardamom has been demonstrated to have antioxidant properties. 

Kikuzaki, Kawai, and Nakatani (2.001) examined extracts from black cardamom (Amomum subulatum) for their ability to scavenge radicals.

The ability of cardamom to inhibit chemical carcinogenesis was shown by Banerjee et al. (1.994), whose observations suggest that intake of cardamom oil affects the enzymes associated with xenobiotic metabolism and may therefore have benefits as a deterrent to cancer.

Cardamom has also been demonstrated to decrease azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis by virtue of its anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and proapoptotic activities. 

Cayenne Pepper : also known as the Guinea spice, cow-horn pepper, aleva, bird pepper, or, especially in its powdered form, red pepper is a hot chili pepper used to flavour dishes. 

It is red colored when ripened to maturity, but also eaten while still green. 

It is a cultivar of Capsicum annuum related to bell peppers, jalapeños, paprika and others. 

Besides published evidence suggesting that cayenne pepper may aid weight loss, curb appetite, and lower blood pressure, the component that gives jalapeno peppers their heat may also kill cancer cells. 

Initial experiments in cancer cells and mice show that capsaicin causes prostate cancer cells to undergo a kind of suicide. 

Researchers speculate that, in the future, pills containing capsaicin might be used as therapy to prevent prostate cancer's return.

Capsaicin caused almost 80 percent of prostate cancer cells in the mice to die. 

In addition, prostate cancer tumors treated with capsaicin were about one-fifth the size of tumors in untreated mice.

"Capsaicin inhibits the growth of human prostate cancer cell in Petri dishes and mice," said lead researcher Dr. H. Phillip Koeffler, director of hematology and oncology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and a professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. 

The report appears in the March 15 2.006 issue of Cancer Research.

Cinnamon : is a spice obtained from the bark of an evergreen tree belonging to the Lauraceae family. 

Major constituents in cinnamon include cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, terpinene, α-pinene, carvacrol, linalool, safrole, benzyl benzoate, and coumarin. 

It takes not more than a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day to keep cancer risk away. 

A natural food preservative, cinnamon is a source of iron and calcium. Useful in reducing tumour growth, it blocks the formation of new vessels in the human body. 

The ability of cinnamon extracts to suppress the in vitro growth of H. pylori, a recognized risk factor for gastric cancer, gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and pancreatic cancer, has stirred considerable interest in the potential use of this spice to suppress human cancers (Farinha and Gascoyne 2.005; Eslick 2.006).

Providing rats with cinnamon bark powder significantly increased several antioxidant-related enzymes in both liver and heart tissue, compared to controls (Dhuley 1.999). 

These enzymes help maintain cellular integrity and protection against oxidative damage from free radicals.

Clove : is derived from flower buds of the Eugenia caryophyllata tree. 

Several bioactive components are found in clove, including tannins, terpenoids, eugenol, and acetyleugenol. 

Cloves are native to Indonesia and are used in cuisines throughout the world. 

While no studies have been conducted in humans to date to evaluate use of cloves in cancer prevention, a few studies conducted in mice suggest its effectiveness, especially in modifying cellular detoxification processes. 

Similar to allspice, clove contains high amounts of eugenol. 

However, this compound cannot serve to increase gastrointestinal promoter activity, suggesting other compounds in clove may account for its biological activity (Kluth et al. 2.007). 

Overall, the findings to date suggest that tissues adapt to exposures to one or more constituents in cloves. 

In doing so, clove may improve the ability of selected tissues to handle foreign compounds that might lead to the initiation of carcinogenesis. 

Based on findings to date, additional clinical studies are warranted to determine the ability of clove to influence drug detoxification pathways.

Coriander : (Coriandrum sativum) is an herb in the family Apiaceae and is native to southern Europe and northern Africa to southwestern Asia. 

Although all parts of the plant are edible, its fresh leaves and dried seeds are most frequently used in cooking. 

Coriander is a common ingredient in many foods throughout the world. 

One of its principal constituents is linalool. 

Several animal studies provide evidence that coriander seeds can promote the hepatic antioxidant system. 

Coriander can also influence foreign compound metabolism. 

Feeding Swiss mice with 160-mg coriander seeds per gram diet resulted in (glutathione S-transferase)GST induction ranging from 20% to 37%, depending on the tissue examined. In another study, Banerjee et al. (1.994) observed roughly a doubling in GST activity in Swiss albino mice that were provided with diets containing coriander oil. 

Cumin :(Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae and is native to the eastern Mediterranean region and India. 

Thymoquinone (TQ) is the most abundant component of black cumin seed oil. TQ has been reported to exhibit antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and chemopreventive properties (Allahghadri et al. 2.010; Nader, el-Agamy, and Suddek 2.010).

Thymoquinone that checks proliferation of cells responsible for prostate cancer. 

Considerable evidence also points to the ability of TQ to suppress tumor cell proliferation, including colorectal carcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma, osteosarcoma, ovarian carcinoma, myeloblastic leukemia, and pancreatic carcinoma (Gali-Muhtasib, Roessner, and Schneider-Stock 2.006).

The multitude of effects caused by cumin serves as justification for its continued examination as a spice with widespread potential for health promotion.

Dill : (Anethum graveolens) is a relatively short-lived perennial spice. 

Dill is an herb that in effect has two components that are dependent on the seasons. 

In the early spring, dill is used for its leaves and in the autumn for its seeds. 

As with other spices, there is evidence that dill promotes drug detoxification mechanisms. Because dill helps maintain cellular oxidation-reduction balance and protects cells against free-radical species, the combination of increased antioxidant levels may be particularly helpful in detoxifying foreign compounds, including carcinogens (Zheng, Kenney, and Lam 1.992).

Fennel : (Foeniculum vulgare) is a plant species in the genus Foeniculum (treated as the sole species in the genus by most botanists). 

It is a member of the family Apiaceae (formerly the Umbelliferae). 

It is a hardy, perennial, umbelliferous herb, with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. 

It is indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean but has become widely naturalized in many parts of the world, especially on dry soils near the sea coast and on riverbanks.

Fennel contains anethole, which can explain some of its medical effects : It, or its polymers, act as phytoestrogens. Armed with phyto-nutrients and antioxidants, cancer cells have nothing but to accept defeat when the spice is fennel. 

Anethole resists and restricts the adhesive and invasive activities of cancer cells. It suppresses the enzymatic regulated activities behind cancer cell multiplication. 

Garlic : (Allium sativum) is a member of the onion family Alliaceae. 

Garlic has been used throughout history for both its culinary and medicinal properties. 

Garlic’s distinctive characteristics arise from sulfur, which constitutes almost 1% of its dry weight. 

Although garlic does not typically serve as a major source of essential nutrients, it may contribute to several dietary factors with potential health benefits, including the presence of oligosaccharides, arginine-rich proteins and, depending on soil and growing conditions, selenium and flavonoids.

Preclinical models provide rather compelling evidence that garlic and its associated components can lower the incidence of breast, colon, skin, uterine, esophagus, and lung cancers. uppression of nitrosamine formation continues to surface as one of the most likely mechanisms by which garlic retards cancer. 

The ability of garlic to inhibit tumors due to different cancer-inducing agents and in different tissues indicates that a generalized cellular event is likely responsible for the change in tumor incidence and that the response is highly dependent on environmental or other types of biological insults. 

Because metabolic activation is required for many of these carcinogens, there is likelihood that either phase I or II enzymes are altered. 

A breakdown of allicin appears to be necessary for achieving maximum tumor inhibition. 

Allyl sulfur compounds preferentially suppress neoplastic over non-neoplastic cells (Sakamoto, Lawson, and Milner 1.997). 

It is becoming increasingly clear that the response to allyl sulfurs relates to their ability to form free radicals rather than to serve as an antioxidant (Antosiewicz et al. 2.008). 

Allyl sulfurs may bring about changes by influencing the genomic expression by affecting histone homeostasis.

Ginger : (Zingiber officinale) is a member of the Zingiberaceae family and is consumed widely not only as a spice but also as a medicinal agent.

Various animal models have been used to examine the role of ginger in cancer prevention.

For example, Ihlaseh et al. (2.006) exposed male Wistar rats to tumors resembling human low-grade papillary urothelial neoplasia. 

Rats fed with a basal diet supplemented with 1% ginger extract for 26 weeks had significantly fewer urothelial lesions compared to the controls or those fed with the diet with 0.5% ginger. 

Ginger also appears to have antitumorigenic properties. Several cell lines have been examined for their sensitivity to ginger. 

For example, alcoholic extracts of ginger inhibited tumor cell growth for Dalton’s lymphocytic ascites tumor cells and human lymphocytes.

Overall, while the anticancer findings of ginger are intriguing and several processes may be associated with the observed responses, additional studies are needed to clarify the underlying mechanisms and to determine overall benefits to humans (Pan et al. 2.008).

Oregano : scientifically named Origanum vulgare by Carolus Linnaeus, is a common species of Origanum, a genus of the mint family (Lamiaceae). 

It is native to warm-temperate western and southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean region.

Oregano is high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids. 

In test-tube studies, it also has shown antimicrobial activity against strains of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.

Oregano confirms its worth as a potential agent against prostate cancer. 

Consisting of anti-microbial compounds, just one teaspoon of oregano has the power of two cups of red grapes! 

Phyto-chemical 'Quercetin' present in oregano restricts growth of malignant cells in the body and acts like a drug against cancer-centric diseases.

Rosemary : (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a woody herb with fragrant needle-like leaves. 

Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region and possesses a bitter, astringent taste and highly aromatic characteristics that complement a wide variety of foods. 

Rosemary is a member of the family Lamiaceae, and it contains a number of potentially biologically active compounds, including antioxidants such as carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid. 

Other bioactive compounds include camphor (up to 20% in dry rosemary leaves), caffeic acid, ursolic acid, betulinic acid, rosmaridiphenol, and rosmanol.

Due to its high antioxidant activity, crude and refined extracts of rosemary are now widely available commercially.While the data are difficult to interpret, when rosemary is added along with other herbs to a balsamic vinegar preparation used in soups and salads, it appears to provide protection again oxidative stress in humans (Dragan et al. 2.007).

Considerable evidence also suggests that rosemary extracts, or its isolated components, can retard chemically induced cancers. For example, topical application of a rosemary extract has been reported to block the initiation and promotion phases of skin tumorigenesis (Huang et al. 1.994).

Rosemary extracts and the active compounds carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid have been found to inhibit the proliferation of various human cancer cell lines, including human, small cell lung carcinoma, human prostate carcinoma, human liver carcinoma), human chronic myeloid leukemia, human breast adenocarcinoma, human prostate adenocarcinoma, and human breast adenocarcinoma; (Yesil-Celiktas et al. 2.010).

Saffron : is a spice derived from the flower of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus) plant native to Southwest Asia. 

It has historically been the world’s most expensive spice per unit weight. 

Saffron imparts a bitter taste and hay-like fragrance to food. 

Saffron likely contains more than 150 volatile and aroma yielding compounds. 

A carotenoid, comprises >10% of dry saffron’s mass and is responsible for the rich golden-yellow hue created when saffron is added to food dishes. 

Picrocrocin, a bitter glucoside, is responsible for saffron’s flavor.

The natural carotenoid 'Crocetin' is the primary cancer-fighting element that saffron contains. It not only inhibits the progression of the disease but also decreases the size of the tumour by half, guaranteeing a complete goodbye to cancer. 

Though it is the most expensive spice in the world for it is derived from around 250,000 flower stigmas (saffron crocus) that make just about half a kilo, a few saffron threads come loaded with benefits you won't regret paying for. 

Significant information points to the ability of saffron to inhibit cancer (Abdullaev 2.003). 

Aqueous saffron preparations have been reported to inhibit chemically induced skin carcinogenesis (Das, Chakrabarty, and Das 2.004). 

Both changes in carcinogen bioactivation and tumor proliferation appear to occur.

Saffron and crocus also have significant antitumorigenic properties. 

Similar to other spices, they appear to suppress cell growth in neoplastic cells to a greater extent than in normal cells (Aung et al. 2.007). 

The ability of crocin to decrease cell viability occurs in a concentration and time-dependent manner (Bakshi et al. 2.009). 

The effects of tumor suppression also have an impact on the longevity of the host. 

A significant increase in the life span of Dalton’s lymphoma-bearing animals was found in those provided with saffron. 

Thyme : is another culinary and medicinal herb. 

Today, common usage refers to any or all members of the plant genus Thymus, also of the Lamiaceae family. 

Several active agents are reported, including thymol, carvacrol, apigenin, luteolin, tannins, terpinene, and other oils.

Kluth et al. (2.007) examined the effects of thyme on enzyme induction in cultured human liver carcinoma cells and human colon adenocarcinoma cells. 

They observed a thyme extract to activate promoters via the electrophile responsive element, thus providing potential clues about the mechanism by which thymol and carvacrol may influence enzyme expression and prevent cancer.

Mounting evidence suggests that cancers are not an inevitable consequence of aging but are preventable diseases. 

The evidence here suggests that spices may be factors in one’s diet that may lower cancer risk and affect tumor behavior. 

Spices have been consumed for centuries for a variety of purposes, such as flavoring agents, colorants, and preservatives, without question, evidence exists that multiple processes, including proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and immunocompetence, can be influenced by one or more spices. 

Turmeric : (Curcuma longa)is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. 

Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years and is a major part of Ayurvedic medicine. 

It was first used as a dye and then later for its medicinal properties.

Its active ingredient, curcumin, inhibits inflammatory reactions, has anti-diabetic effects, reduces cholesterol among other powerful health effects. 

A new study led by a research team at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (LMU) in Munich now shows that it can also inhibit formation of metastases. 

One of the most comprehensive summaries of a review of 700 turmeric studies to date was published by the respected ethnobotanist James A. Duke, Phd. 

He showed that turmeric appears to outperform many pharmaceuticals in its effects against several chronic, debilitating diseases, and does so with virtually no adverse side effects. 

This is the king of spices when it comes to dealing with cancer diseases, besides it adding a zesty colour to our food on the platter. 

Turmeric contains the powerful polyphenol Curcumin that has been clinically proven to retard the growth of cancer cells causing prostrate cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, brain tumour, pancreatic cancer and leukemia amongst a host of others. 

Curcumin promotes 'Apoptosis'- (programmed cell death/cell suicide) that safely eliminates cancer breeding cells without posing a threat to the development of other healthy cells. In cases of conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the surrounding cells too become a target in addition to the cancer cells. 

Therefore, the side-effects are imminent.

Duke noted that in the handbook Phytochemicals : mechanisms of action, curcumin and/or turmeric were effective in animal models in prevention and/or treatment of colon cancer, mammary cancer, prostate cancer, murine hepato-carcinogenesis (liver cancer in rats), esophageal cancer, and oral cancer. 

Curcumin may be useful in the prevention of breast and prostate cancers which are both linked to inflammation and in reducing their metastatic potential. 

It could play a positive role in primary prevention before a full-blown tumor arises or help to avert formation of metastases. 

In this context the fact that the substance is well tolerated is very important, because one can safely recommend it to individuals who have an increased tumor risk.