Saturday, August 29, 2020

Herbs that destroy many cancers quick

Herbs that destroy many cancers quick

Numerous Ayurvedic texts speak of ways to treat cancers of the colon and digestive system. 

Two texts which were written around 700 BC are classic wisdom from the sister science of yoga,the Charakaand Sushruta Samhita. 

Both are suggested as being an imbalance in one of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) which describe general physiological states in people throughout the world. 

Once the doshas are returned to balance, then cancer and other diseases disappear from the body.

The following herbs are used in Ayurveda to bring balance to the doshas, helping to minimize or completely eradicate colon cancer.


Due to being an adaptogen, this herb is used for literally hundreds of ailments in Ayurvedic medicine. 

It ‘intuits’ where your body needs support and provides it. 

Ashwagandha increases our resistance to stress while increasing energy levels, freeing up the body’s systems to scavenge rouge cells.

According to research conducted on the herb, ashwagandha helps in the slowing down of the growth of the cancer cells and inhibits the growth of tumor cells without harming the good cells.


Numerous double-blind studies have shown that garlic is a powerful herb for treating cancer. 

Naturopaths have been using raw garlic, and even garlic juice or soups, to treat cancer for ages. 

Garlic has even proven to kill brain cancer cells (in addition to colon cancers) without harming healthy cells, and with no side effects.

Add some onions and broccoli, and you’ve got a cancer fighting power-house.

It is also a staple of the Ayurvedic herbal medicine cabinet. 

Green Tea

Green tea isn’t just a social grace, but a healing remedy for colon and other cancers. 

Not only does it inhibit the formation of cancerous cells, but the catechin polyphenols within can even kill cancerous cells without harming healthy cells. 

By drinking green tea regularly, you can eradicate colon tumors while they are in their most infant stages.


A member of the poppy plant family, celandine has been known to treat colon cancer as well. It also boosts the immune system so that cancer and other disease never have a chance to develop. 

Further, the herb treats diseases like asthma and atherosclerosis.

Aloe Vera and apple cider vinegar fasts

While these two herbal remedies act together primarily as a means to cleanse the colon, thereby eliminating toxins which could accumulate in the digestive tract causing disease, they are also great anti-inflammatory agents. 

The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar cannot be understated. 

It helps with candida overgrowth (also shown to contribute to many cancers) and lowers blood glucose levels. 

Aloe Vera juice has been shown to help people who have tried numerous pharmaceutical meds : folfox, xeloda, avastin and other chemotherapies to no avail.

Ginger Root

An Ayurvedic staple, ginger is used in many Indian dishes. 

Inflammation markers that have been earlier proved in clinical research as precursors to colon cancer can be reduced significantly by the consumption of ginger powder or ginger roots. 

A powerful anti-inflammatory, ginger soothes and heals the digestive tract, and therefore has been suggested as one of the best home remedies for the treatment of colon cancer.

In one study, Suzanna M. Zick, N.D., M.P.H, enrolled 30 patients and randomly assigned them to two grams of ginger root supplements per day or placebo for 28 days. 

She had astoundingly positive results. 

Zick commented that : “we need to apply the same rigor to the sorts of questions about the effect of ginger root that we apply to other clinical trial research. 

Interest in this is only going to increase as people look for ways to prevent cancer that are nontoxic, and improve their quality of life in a cost-effective way.”

Ginger has also destroyed ovarian and prostate cancer cells in other studies.


If you haven’t heard of this herb by now, you’ve likely been living under a rock. 

The compounds in Turmeric can heal just about anything. 

Curcumins found in turmeric roots cause colon cancer cells to self-destruct. 

Astounding results were found when testing turmeric’s ability to destroy cancer cells at the department of Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Sure, you can turn to chemotherapy for your colon cancer, which causes your hair to fall out, your insides to feel like they won’t stop being regurgitated, and your energy to be completely devastated. 

You can also try invasive surgery all for the bargain basement price of several to twenty thousand dollars.

Or you can start taking these Ayurvedic herbal remedies that have been around for thousands of years and proven through time for mere pennies.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Anti-inflammatory drugs can cut cancer risk

Experts in the US have suggested that certain anti-inflammatory tablets could potentially reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, after testing on mice indicated some efficacy.

Research conducted by a team at the University of Colorado and recently printed in the science journal Nature found non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may prevent postpartum tumours from forming.

Once new mothers have stopped breastfeeding their young, milk-producing cells die off and are replaced with fat cells, thereby potentially leaving women more likely to contract the disease.

"A mother's body is undergoing radical changes during this time," said investigator Dr Pepper Schedin.

"We can't yet speak to the safety of these drugs for women diagnosed with or at risk for postpartum breast cancer."

The study came after Tenovus associate director of research Dr Ian Lewis insisted that despite a steady improvement in survival rates, there is still a need to offer greater support to breast cancer sufferers.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The violet color acts curatively on cancer

That is why man must have violet colored objects in his room.

For example, you can wear a purple scarf, purple scarves, clothes and ornaments violets have curtains, linens and other objects in her room purple, etc ...

It is also advisable to paint the walls purple where the patient sleeps.

This acts calming, balancing, healing and beneficially on it. 

The meditations on the violet flame also help a lot.

Are as follows : the patient can imagine surrounded by violet flame, and how it penetrates every cell, cleansing and transforming all cancer cells within it.

It is good that this meditation is done daily at least three times a day for 5 to 15 minutes, once in the morning after waking, again at noon and again at night before bed.

The violet flame has the power to purify, dissolve and free from negative energies that have accumulated in us and around us, and there appears soothe any pain.

She is the universal purifier of all internal and external negative energies.

It is good to be used in combination with thoughts and words good and positive of all kinds.

This flame is the flame of Mercy and Love Pure Divine.

Therefore, his power is great.


Since the 1920s, researchers have studied the benefits of carotenoids for cancer prevention and treatment. 

However, interest in lycopene did not really begin until the late 1980s when it was found to have twice the antioxidant activity of beta carotene.

By the late 1990s, over 70 studies had found a link between diets high in tomatoes and a lower risk of cancer.

Lycopene is an open-chain unsaturated carotenoid that imparts red color to tomatoes, guava, rosehip, watermelon and pink grapefruit. 

Lycopene has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and also to stop it from becoming more advanced. 

Cooked tomato products such as tomato sauce, juice and ketchup are better sources of lycopene than raw tomatoes, as cooking breaks down plant cell walls making the lycopene more available for absorption. 

In the body, lycopene is deposited in the liver, lungs, prostate gland, colon and skin. 

It is best known for its role in preventing prostate cancer, the second leading cause of male cancer deaths in America. 

However, consumption of lycopene is also associated with a lower risk of cancer of the breast , cervix  ,  and digestive tract.12

Curative Properties Of Lycopene

Lycopene shows special promise in preventing and treating prostate cancer . 

A study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Ohio State University on prostate cancer in rats found that feeding the animals tomato powder(13 mg lycopene/kg) had the greatest protective effect against prostate cancer, and that supplements of much higher levels of isolated lycopene (161 mg lycopene/kg)  were of less benefit, though still better than the control group which received no tomatoes or lycopene. 

The proportions of rats dying of prostate cancer was 62% in the tomato group, 72% in the lycopene group, and 80% in the control group.

Dietary restriction also increased survival

In another study, thirty-two patients with localized prostate adenocarcinoma consumed tomato sauce-based pasta dishes for 3 weeks (approximately 30 mg of lycopene/day) before their scheduled radical prostatectomy.

Prostate tissue was obtained for biopsy before the lycopene supplementation began, and compared to tissue resected at the time of the prostatectomy. 

Examination of tissue from the resected tumors showed a decrease in tumor biomarkers, increased tumor cell apoptosis (cell death) and decreased DNA damage.14

Dutch researchers found that a low-dose combination of vitamin E and lycopene extended the lifespans of mice inoculated with human prostate cancer cells and suppressed tumor growth by 73% after 42 days,  but that high doses of lycopene or vitamin E had no effect.

However, other scientists reviewing the research feel that lycopene by itself has been shown in other studies to be effective by itself, though it can be potentiated by vitamin E.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Music therapy relieves cancer patients

According to a new study, listening to music can relieve anxiety in patients with cancer and may also have positive effects on mood, pain and quality of life.

However, the methodical Cochrane review of 1,891 cancer patients, researchers established focus on the 30 trials with cancer patients, who came to power in music or music therapy sessions.

After analyzing these trials, concluded that these 30 trials, 13 showed therapists use the melody while the rest enjoyed in 17 patients pre recorded music.

Meanwhile, these results show that compared with traditional treatments, music therapy certainly significantly reduces the anxiety on the basis of the clinical score nervousness.

Meanwhile, investigators also testified that music can increase the superiority of life of patients.

On the other hand, speaking of the new therapy, Joke Bradt, principal investigator of Creative Arts Therapies Department at Drexel University in Philadelphia, citing that he always believed in the fact that, with the support of their loved ones, the magnificence of music reduces the risk of cancer.

He added: "The music interventions by trained music therapists, as well as listening to recorded music both have shown positive results in this review, but currently there is insufficient evidence to determine whether an intervention is more effective than the other."

Friday, August 14, 2020

A Massage is Just the Right Touch for Cancer Patients

The touch of a human hand can heal. 

Science supports it, and anyone who has ever been soothed by the touch of another knows it.

Now, cancer specialists are taking a fresh look at the way a healing massage can benefit cancer sufferers. 

A massage can soothe and relax a patient as they endure rigorous treatments and the stress of coping daily with a daunting prognosis such as breast cancer, ovarian, mesothelioma or even leukemia.  

Balancing Stress

The relaxation that is brought on by a tissue massage has effects that are far reaching. 

Not only do they alleviate tension in muscles, but also they bring on a soothing, peaceful cognitive state in the person experiencing the massage. 

For a cancer patient suffering with a hectic schedule of treatments on top of their already-stressful daily life, massage therapy can be an essential time of designated self-concentration.

The power of setting aside time for oneself to foster one's own wellbeing is crucial in healing mind and body. 

Feeling rested and relaxed can help a patient tackle the difficulty of cancer treatment. 

Let’s face, it a little pampering can go a long way when you are in the midst of a health crisis. 

Revving up Your Muscles

If a patient has spent a lot of time homebound and off their feet, getting their muscles worked can be extremely beneficial. 

Opening up the circulation in tissue and muscles that are not often used can help to stimulate them and reduce aches and pains associated with a prolonged dormant lifestyle. 

When the patient is ready to get back on their feet, soothing massages can help to ease the process.

The Body-Brain Connection

It’s impossible to think yourself healthy. 

But your frame of mind can play a big role in having the strength and energy to give your all to recovery. 

Spending dedicated time focused on your personal comfort can do wonders for your mental state and a feeling preparedness in taking on the challenges in your life.

Health experts agree that human touch can bring about wonderful results. Newborn babies thrive on human touch. 

Human touch stimulates brain activity and promotes health. 

The United Sates Department of Human Health and Services webpage sites a study done by Jean Kutner at of the University of Colorado School of Medicine in which massage therapy conducted on cancer patient yielded positive results.

In regards to massage therapy, quoting doctor Kutners conclusion, “When we compared it to just a simple touch, it gave people some relief of pain and some improvement of mood – at least, immediately after the massage therapy session.’’ 

Get Connected with Healing Hands

If you think that a healing massage may be a good choice for you, there are a few options. 

Ask your doctor if he or she can refer you to a trained, license massage therapist. 

There are also plenty of reputable masseuses that you can find on your own. 

Some massage therapists will even visit you right at your home.

If visiting a professional massage therapist is simply out of the question due to finances or time issues, you can also have a loved one, spouse, or close friend help you out. 

They can review techniques online and give you a simple, de-stressing massage. 

Consult your doctor and make sure therapy is right for and your treatment and experience all the benefits massage therapy has to offer!

Author : Melanie Bowen

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Blue scorpion venom, cure for cancer

The blue scorpion venom, endemic to Cuba, has emerged as a cure for cancer in thousands of cases, according to its discoverer, but oncologists still hold some reservations about its health benefits.

About 60,000 people have tested this derivative toxins "Rhopalurus junceus" the blue scorpion from the biologist Misael Bordier began to apply at Guantanamo in eastern Cuba to fight cancer in the early 1990's .

The process, Bordier said, is simple: take the poison through a system of electrical stimulation, and combined with distilled water to achieve a solution whose composition depends on the type of cancer and the patient's condition.

The compound, the biologist dubbed "escozul" and distributed free of charge is applied orally, by aerosol or douching, and doses were based on medical records of patients.

Bordier, which registered the patent in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba in 1995, said the prepared encapsulated tumor and ends removed, and their side effects are minimal overdosage.

The blue scorpion venom contains a protein chain that attacks cancer, although "we do not know exactly which of the chain is at work.

That's what to look for and synthesize (laboratory), "he admitted.

The results, he said, are strong, successful in 97 percent of patients without prior chemotherapy.

However, those undergoing chemotherapy or surgery, has only achieved 40 percent improvement, compared with a mortality of 60 percent.

"We do not know the cause of the death toll in these patients, but in all cases has improved the quality of life of patients," he said.

The "escozul" also acts as "immuno-modulator," raising the defenses, allowing its application in patients with AIDS, said Bordier, which is ten HIV positive and has had only one casualty.

Bordier, which saw the venom in animals for ten years, people started treatment at the request of the families of two terminally ill.

Niurys Monzon was the first patient with pancreatic cancer at age 15 forced her to undergo chemotherapy and three operations.

Niurys experience, now 29, took his father, Jose Felipe Monzon, Bordier assist in the expansion of treatment, opening an office in Jaguey Grande, in the center of the island.

Monzon, who treats about 6,000 people and has a farm with 3,000 scorpions, blue is reluctant to promote the product because "there is no response for all patients."

The principles, explained in an interview with EFE, were not easy, because "I was often branded as witches and worse."

Everything but believes Oswaldo sorcerer, prostate cancer patient, who has three months to "escozul" combined with the advice of your oncologist.

Iliana collected every two months the dose of her mother, "much improved" from its laryngeal cancer, although "her doctor has her not to take it and continue treatment without telling him."

Monsoon is aware that many oncologists reject the "Blue Hope" as the patients speak of "escozul" but favors reconcile it with traditional medicine.

Last year, the Institute of Oncology of Cuba requested the medical records of patients for follow-up.

Amazagás ​​Lorenzo, Deputy Director of the Evaluation Unit of the Institute anticancer products, considers that there are scientifically proven results "escozul."

"It has been used empirically (...) is evaluated and we can not recommend it because there is still no scientific evidence," he said.

Despite the lack of evidence, admits Labiofam, the main laboratory of Cuba, is set in the product "has hatcheries (scorpion) and try to stabilize it."